Once in the relations there comes the moment when partners begin to quarrel and even to doubt sincerity of love of each other. Certainly, it is quite normal. You swear, then are reconciled and thus resolve some issues. But what to do if there is a wish to prove to darling what still sincerely and strongly you love, and all words and arguments in the light of last quarrel sound not really convincingly?
1. Apologize the first. Perhaps, this option will wound self-esteem and will forever force to forget that in a quarrel the man has to ask forgiveness. But the task at present is to win back darling. Unless it does not cost a couple of minutes of small humiliation? Ask forgiveness of the first – it will let to the man know that the relations are of great importance and that he is important for you.
2. You learn to trust. If you are jealous, it will be difficult to make, but nevertheless try. For men as far as the woman trusts it has huge value. If you doubt fidelity and constantly you let know it, hardly such behavior will strengthen the relations. The true love is a mutual trust and an opportunity to do what is wantedwhat is wanted. Nobody says that it is necessary to allow the man to run on the left, just let know that you love him so strongly that you trust unconditionally.
3. Your relations is, first of all, the movement of two people towards each other. If you think that one has to worship and concede in love, and another – to accept gifts and to demand – you are wrong. You learn to adapt the friend to the friend and to give to darling love then when it is especially necessary. Believe, men feel the need for feelings and tenderness, it is just necessary to be able to give them. You study it constantly. Be gentle and tender. It is also necessary for it.