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How to calculate the party of a rectangular triangle
The known task about the parties of a rectangular triangle from school geometry is the cornerstone of many geometrical theorems and all course of trigonometry.

What to do if the child does not want to go to kindergarten
If morning scandals and hysterics at the child on a threshold of kindergarten became your daily ritual, find the reason of such behavior. The refusal of visit of kindergarten can b...

How to presoak chicken for a shish kebab
It is possible to presoak chicken in different ways. Meat at chicken gentle, only breasts dryish. The choice of ingredients for locks depends on your personal flavoring preferences...

How to do hair on hair of average length
Hair of average length are that universal option which suits all. On such hair the easiest to give vent to imagination and at the same time to look magnificent! They I can emphasiz...

We decide on the choice: whether to do tattoo?
It became very fashionable to do tattoos couples decades ago, every year technologies are improved, on the skin it is possible to recreate any drawing. Some tattoos really differ i...

Civil war of the North and South in America: reasons, war course, main results
Civil war of 1861 — 1865 - the dramatic page of history of the United States of America when the country broke up into two conflicting camps – the North and the South. The victory ...