When in the relations gray days come or suddenly misunderstanding comes, and there is no wish to lose darling at all, it is important to pay attention to the behavior. Only through acts and the most important words you can prove to the person the to him love.
1. If you pay to appearance special attention only before important business meetings or in an anticipation of parties, it vryad will be pleasant to the guy. Present that he would have a shave only before appearance at work or a meeting with friends. You watch purity and an ukhozhennost of the body, neatness of clothes and beauty of hair even if you carry out the most part of day in a house situation.
2. Let it as often as possible appear on your face. Kind of you treated if every day woke up with the person with a gloomy type and the lowered corners of lips? You remember the unspoken rule – the smile happens the answer to a smile. If you want to see the second half happy, give it this happiness. And he will love and appreciate in exchange you even more.
3. When your joint life gets a conventionalism raid, it is a high time to remember manifestation of the feelings. Present to darling a long-awaited or insignificant gift. Anyway it will express your love and tenderness. It can be as a material gift (the rare book, good alcohol, tourist accessories, a novelty from the hi-tech series – depending on its interests), and an event, for example, a travel or a picnic.
4. If your man is not really verbose, in recognitions you should become for him an example. You speak about love without ceremony, and then he will answer you with the same. The main thing to do it it is disinterested, but not to demand reciprocal tenderness every minute. If it is difficult for you to pronounce aloud warm words, from time to time write letters or leave notes on a plate with a breakfast, in the bathroom or its car.
5. Do not try to provoke intentionally situations which can cause jealousy. It will not warm up its feelings in any way, on the contrary, the guy will begin to lose to you trust. As proof of love let it know that it – only who could apply for your attention.