Any inhabitant of a high-rise building can appear in the flooded apartment because of neighbors from above once. It is quite difficult to behave and keep calm, observing water flows on native walls. However to understand what to do if neighbors from above flooded, it is necessary, for a start, to try to calm down and to cease to panic. If you are convinced that neighbors will not go for peaceful solution of this unpleasant incident and voluntarily will not cover all expenses on repair of the flooded room, then it will be necessary to observe a certain operations procedure.
What to do if neighbors heat?
For a start nevertheless try to contact responsible for this unpleasant situation and report to them about a problem. If you did not manage for any reasons of it to make (for example, they are out for a moment), do not try to break a door. You need to neutralize a leakage source - for this purpose it can be necessary to block completely water supply of all entrance. But optimum will be to report about an incident in emergency service that experts were engaged in it. Besides, do not forget to cut off power the apartment, having turned the knife switch on the counter in the necessary situation. It will help to prevent short circuit in conducting.
Complaint to neighbors
Reflecting over what to do if neighbors from above flooded, it is worth trying to solve this problem peacefully. However the word is worth taking in case you know the neighbors and are with them in good relations. Sometimes such people who at first assure that all will compensate without intervention of strangers and after it was succeeded to avoid execution of all documents meet, refuse the promises. That it did not occur, the peace agreement nevertheless is recommended to be recorded in writing. It is necessary to specify the sum and term of compensation payment in it and it is obligatory to record this agreement notarially.
If neighbors from above who flooded your apartment do not admit the guilt and refuse to pay compensation, then in such situation it is necessary to appeal to court. It will be for this purpose necessary to provide the act of flooding of the apartment. Therefore to record the caused damage, at once you do not hurry to remove everything and to bring order. The statement has to be drawn up in writing by the commission which part neighbors eyewitnesses, representatives of management company and, whenever possible, responsible for a flood will be.
In this act the flooding reason, the list of the property destroyed by water has to be specified. In case of significant damage, it is worth using services of independent appraisers and to specify the sum in the act. Also pay attention that in the act there have to be signatures of all members of the commission and owners of the affected apartment, otherwise the document can be nullified.
If you address with the complaint to emergency service by phone, then lawyers recommend to specify surely a name and a surname of the one who adopts your statement. In case of their inaction it will help to personify responsibility. If you file the written statement, then it is recommended to be made in duplicate on one of which to demand to put a stamp about reception of the document for consideration.
If you were got by neighbors who often heat the apartment and evade responsibility, and you have no time to potter with all documents, then insurance of the apartment will be an effective solution. In case of a flood, you will be able precisely to count on compensation of damage. You just will need to report the matter to insurance company which will be engaged in the solution of all questions.