Wall ceramic tile: pluses and minuses

Wall ceramic tile: pluses and minuses

Ceramic tile – perhaps, the most popular material which is used when finishing fireplaces, working surfaces indoors and also for exterior finish of facades. Ceramic or the tile has the merits and demerits which define possibility of its application in any given conditions.

Advantages of ceramic tile

The main pluses of tile it is possible to call its durability and durability. At appropriate care and careful attitude the wall tile is capable to serve not one decade. It is still possible to meet apartments in houses 40-h-50-h of years of last century with wall tile which did not change from the moment of settling of the first residents.

The ceramic tile at the beginning of the 20th century was rather small size and had poor coloring. Later the oblong tile began to be applied, the size is almost twice more, than her predecessor.

Safety of tile is confirmed with long-term researches in this area. It does not allocate to the environment of hazardous substances, irrespective of action temperatures for it. At influence of extreme temperatures only the laying can be deformed, but also here too everything depends on many indirect factors. Also it is neutral in relation to various chemicals, whether it be acid, alkali or caustic dyes. Its surface is not corroded, not erased and does not change the coloring.

Bacteriological purity of wall ceramic tile is defined only by the general pollution of the room and frequency of the made cleaning. It is noticed that on tile the pathogenic bacteria and mold mushrooms do not take root, they can be noticed only if on tile there is any foreign pollution or raid. To get rid of fungus on tile surface, rather simply carefully to wash it with use of special cleaning agents.

The tile is not submitted influence of ultraviolet rays, the drawing on tile cannot burn out and change over the years. Besides, the variety of coloring and forms of ceramic tile allows to buy it at the latest moment, without prejudice to the general style of the certain room or the house/apartment entirely.

Shortcomings of ceramic tile

The main lack of tile can be considered only fast change in mode on it. Now the tile has huge set of modifications and styles. It is possible that in a couple of years after repair you will see on sale something more fashionable and original. Unlike the tile, seams around it constantly collect dirt and dust where microbes and mold fungus so like to lodge. Seams can change the color, for example, in only two-three years they can from white become dirty-gray. Therefore to keep the house in purity, it is necessary to process time in several months seams special mix and to regularly wash them.

Floor and wall tile differ both on thickness, and on durability. The floor tile can maintain except permanent load also blows from falling while the wall tile can not sustain such loading.

Ideally the tile has to give all the best on plain surfaces, however in many houses of the Soviet construction before laying out tile, it is necessary to level walls at first. And in certain cases it represents serious problem and significant difficulties. Not to mention that measuring the bathroom or kitchen to millimeter, after alignment and laying of tile you risk to be shortchanged very strongly. Great heat-resistant properties can develop into minus since the tile is considered rather cold construction and finishing material. Prevalence of her living room or kitchen in interior will make the room noticeably and visually colder.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
