How to protect kitchen garden from wreckers

How to protect kitchen garden from wreckers

To secure own kitchen garden or garden against invasion of wreckers in the form of insects and rodents – one of the most important tasks of each gardener. Without due leaving and control all harvest is under big life-threatening. Do not allow wreckers to parasitize in your territory.

From year to year the summer differs in weather: it hot and droughty, rainy. Depending on weather patterns, wreckers on your site can change. If there is a lot of precipitation, prompt rates in garden slugs and snails who hide in secluded places in the afternoon get divorced, and at night creep out and cause essential loss to plants.

It is possible to get rid of these wreckers in three main ways. Mechanical means gathering of slugs manually. As they need moisture, in advance prepare traps: place leaves of cabbage or burdock between ridges, the wetted in beer or fruit juice, having created thereby the cool and crude house for mollusks. In the afternoon wreckers will hide in your trap, bring together them and destroy in strong salt or soap solution.

Other protective equipment from wreckers – superphosphate which needs to be filled in three strips around plants at distance about fifteen centimeters from stalks. This medicine perfectly absorbs moisture and slime from body of mollusk, blocking that their movement. However there is essential minus – after rain this procedure should be repeated again, and process of watering of plants will become complicated a little. Ecological method of pest control – attraction on own site of their natural enemies among whom there can be toads, hedgehogs, starlings, wagtails, jays and thrushes. Small reservoir for toads, birdhouses and birds feeders, treats in the form of milk or dog food will attract hedgehogs on your seasonal dacha. It is possible to refer to chemical method of fight against garden wreckers safely processing of plants by means of metaldehyde. But in this case it is necessary to be extremely careful as chemical medicines can be very hazardous to health and lives of your pets and also people. Therefore before the use of fruits from own site it is necessary to wash carefully them, and to protect pets from contact with the processed plants. With fight against plant louse you will be helped by wood ashes which should be filled on the earth and leaves and stalks of plants which are previously sprinkled by water. After careful processing the plant louse will hurry to leave familiar spots. It is possible to get rid of fir seed moth and caterpillars by means of bitter wormwood. For scaring away of these wreckers prepare broth: fill in 800 grams of dried grass of wormwood with 10 liters of the boiling water. Boil within thirty minutes and insist day in the dark cool place. Dilute structure in half with water and spray all your plants. It is possible to prepare by above-mentioned way yarrow decoction. It will help to protect plants from trips, plant louse, deaf adder, herbivorous bugs, larvae of papilshchik, small caterpillars and web pincers. To secure the harvest, it is necessary to combat various wreckers all the year round. Do not complicate to yourself work, you do not store old tops of vegetable on the site, remove the fallen-down foliage in time, spray landings with cindery infusion and you are not lazy to weed weeds.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
