Very much decorates personal plot beautiful fir-tree. All the year round this elegant tree is pleasing to the eye needles greens. But the attempt to plant the bought sapling often is unsuccessful – change of the place of growth and even small damage of root system, can lead of tree to death. It is better to grow up fir-tree most.
1. For cultivation of fir-tree from seeds it is necessary to find late fall or in the early winter ripe cone. Under covering its cheshuyam there are winged seeds of fir-tree which in heat are easily taken from the revealed cone. It is desirable that the tree from which the cone is taken was not too old, then the viability of seeds will be better. Seeds of fir-tree keep viability up to 10 years. These seeds place in superficial poles and cover with thin layer of the earth, and from above compost. That is they will receive environment for germination.
2. When in the spring seeds ascend, it will be small fir-tree branches with soft needles. They do not need to be replaced to the constant place at least two years that they have got stronger. It is good to make for them safety obstacle of the cut-off plastic bottle. In dry weather of fir-tree in "shkolka" (so gardeners call nurseries of young growth) it is necessary to water, their root system is still poorly developed.
3. When landing fir-tree to the constant place it is necessary to prepare landing hole, having made it rather spacious. There to bring mix of ashes, manure and the earth. It is careful to dig out fir-tree with part of the earth around roots. To place sapling in hole and to cover with earth not above neck, it is abundant to water.
4. Further care for tree will be simpler and simpler every year – the fir-tree has long roots and itself is capable to get moisture from deep soil layers. The fir-tree slowly grows, but in five years quite really to grow up fir-tree which you will be able to dress up by New year directly at yourself in the yard.