dried-up mascara can be saved, having added several drops of saving moisture. For dilution various means depending on condition of ink and health of eyes are used. If any of them does not help, it means has not dried up, and already has managed to end. Some hulks cease to paint in the necessary measure after two times of use, everything depends on volume and composition of cosmetics.
- Add several drops of boiled water. But it is so possible to do if you have no problems with eyes and allergic reactions. Water can provoke development of pathogenic flora which causes irritationmucouscover .
- If you use contact lenses, and you have liquid for their storage - use it. It will not affect composition of ink and also will interfere with development of microbes.
- Eye drops will suit people with sensitive eyes. Use them as thinner. If you drip in eyes, then same drops and add to cosmetics. At contact of two different substances there can be unforeseen reaction, parts of ink get on mucous.
- Look what substance is part of cosmetics. If you have seen paraffin in structure, just take densely closed tube in the container with hot water several minutes. Then carefully stir up. Ink will become as new and will make up also well cilia, doing them long and volume.
- If your ink not only has dried up, but also has got unpleasant smell, add to it a little alcohol. Stir up and leave tube open at several o'clock. Add a little more liquid, but not alcohol, and carefully stir up. This way will help "to reanimate" even the oldest and dry ink.