How to construct cellar

How to construct cellar

The cellar is under construction for safety of harvest during the whole year. When planning construction of cellar, it is necessary to consider all circumstances. Quality of the soil, level of finding of underground waters, the height of the place for construction, places of running off of melt waters. In order to avoid flooding by melt waters, construction needs to be made on the sublime place.

1. Having decided on the place of construction, make marking. The marking needs to be done on finding of external walls of cellar. Then to dig ditch. It is better to do it in dry weather, in order to avoid washing out of ditch.

2. After the ditch is dug, it is necessary to put columns. Columns can be put wooden, concrete or iron. Wooden columns, in places of touch with the soil, isolate from moisture. It is possible to isolate any available materials for isolation.

3. After installation of columns, start construction of walls. Walls can be made of tree, brick, concrete or direct slate. Behind the walls the soil has to be purely chosen, without collapses and falls. After walls are established, behind the walls cover emptiness slag, haydite or dry with earth.

4. After construction of walls, put overlapping. Spread beams from thick bar, tree or from iron columns. All this is done in the form of grid, providing the place for manhole in cellar and air vents. From above thick executioner's blocks creep. It is possible to make overlapping of concrete slabs or of thick iron. On overlapping the layer of slag, haydite or the dry earth is filled. The heat-insulation layer has to be not less than 30-50 centimeters. Hatch cover for manhole in cellar, it is necessary to upholster with thermal insulation material.

5. Surely make exhaust and plenum ventilation. The incoming pipe is located at the height of 50 centimeters from floor, and exhaust is put at the level of ceiling.

6. Make upper part of cellar much more widely. It is possible to make it of any material: tree, brick, stone, concrete. From above establish strong cover. Height has to be not less than 1 meter. It will allow in frosts, in addition to put the warming material. All surface around, is filled up with thick layer of the earth. It is desirable in the form of slopes.

7. The ceiling in cellar is upholstered with thermal insulation material. Floor is rammed and done of boards or filled in with concrete. Inside make whitewashing, for the purpose of disinfecting of surface and in order to avoid emergence of fungus. Regiments and storages for vegetables make at discretion.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
