Black caraway seeds: than it is useful how to use in the medical purposes

Black caraway seeds: than it is useful how to use in the medical purposes

Founders of medical science sacredly believed that by means of black caraway seeds it is possible to cure everything, except death. Really, the plant possesses a wide range of useful properties and is effective both in medical, and in the preventive purposes. In what a secret of this marvelous culture as to apply it to health and beauty and also to whom this spice is contraindicated — you learn about all this further.

Medicinal hyssop: where grows when to collect and dry how to make and apply

Medicinal hyssop: where grows when to collect and dry how to make and apply

It is no secret that many weeds which grow on meadows or in forests are used as medical as each plant, even poisonous, can be used as medicine. Today we will tell you about a grass a hyssop, we will tell where she can be met and how to use. Let's find out with what diseases the semi-poisonous grass can cope and whether there is a threat for life at the use of a hyssop.

Inhalations – the old and checked way of treatment of cold

Inhalations – the old and checked way of treatment of cold

decades ago, when drugs of modern type only began to appear on counters of drugstores, people treated catarrhal diseases of the easy, inexpensive and checked way – inhalation. As a rule, these procedures do over the heated capacity of type of a pan or deep bowl, having covered with a towel. Medical institutions carry out inhalation by means of the special device.

Farewell forever, split ends!

Farewell forever, split ends!

of women face a problem of split ends. This problem is very relevant also on that is a set of the reasons. Various means which are full of chemicals (paint, varnishes, skins, etc.) love for all experiments with hair, use of electric devices (hair dryer, the curling iron, the iron) — all this harmful influences hair, changing their structure. Avitaminosis in a diet consequence can become the reason of the changes happening to your head of hear too. Briefly speaking, there is a lot of reasons, and result — the dry, liquid, deprived of gloss hair. At all not what it would be desirable, the truth?