Value and role of oil-soluble vitamins for a human body

Value and role of oil-soluble vitamins for a human body

Healthy functioning of a human body is provided with minerals and useful minerals. Among them the special group is formed by oil-soluble vitamins. They have no relation to excessive weight or cellulitis, and received the name from material which provides their assimilation. What biological role of these vitamins how to provide with them an organism and what shortage leads them to, we learn in more detail.

They get into a human body from food of animal origin and vegetable products. Their assimilation happens to the fat help: interacting, fat and bilious acids form a liquid emulsion as a part of which useful components with ease are soaked up by intestines walls.

Learn in what the advantage for an organism of vitamins C, N, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, B13, B14, B15, F, U, P, N consists.

Accumulation happens in fat capsules which are available in each body and also in hypodermic cellulose and a liver, and at the right time connections join in formation of fabrics as the making cellular membrane.

It is seldom possible to meet people with a lack of oil-soluble vitamins as they collect easily, are removed extremely slowly. And here cases of overdose by them meet often - it is the only minus in a general characteristic of their properties.

Important! The excess of these vitamins is shown in the form of heavy frustration of an organism, poisoning with its toxins, various diseases.

This group of substances is responsible for various tasks in functioning of an organism:

  • are a part of cellular membranes;
  • promote digestion of food, help splitting of grocery fats;
  • do not lead to formation of coenzymes (it does not concern connection K);
  • interacting with steroid hormones, start process of processing of protein (the calciferol (D) is especially active in this plan);
  • act as antioxidants, clearing an organism of free radicals (complexes A and E).

To profit from vitamin supplements at most and not to allow glut of an organism them, it is important to know norms of their use.

The table of oil-soluble vitamins includes four components: And, D, E, K. Everyone them them, in fact, is the whole subgroup of the substances united by identical properties:


Day norm


900 mkg


2.5 mkg


14 mg


60-75 mkg

The special role in an organism is characteristic of each subgroup.

Whether you know? Hit on vitamin E skin in pure form causes dermatitis in 30% of people.

For the first time (or Retinolum) paid attention to vitamin A in far 1913. Today it belongs to group fat-soluble and to retinoids. Properties what it possesses are partially similar to the main characteristics of group, but there are also features:

  • in pure form represents a light yellow crystal;
  • in a human body it is formed of beta carotene, in finished form arrives from animal products;
  • it is possible to meet him in various variations of Retinolum: Retinolum palmitate, retinal, retinoyevy acid, etc. They arise as a natural way, and in the form of synthetic additives. In the second case of their advantage are strengthened in comparison with natural;
  • vitamin A collapses under the influence of oxygen, ultraviolet therefore it is important to avoid storage of the products rich with Retinolum, in the fresh air;
  • the human body is able to produce beta carotene on the basis of which there is this substance, however a part it gets from food of animal origin.

Important! The day norm of the A-complex has to consist on 2/3 of the beta carotene produced by an organism, and remained 1/3 — to arrive together with food.

  • condition of tissues of epithelium;
  • force and quality of sight as the operability of a retina of eyes depends on it;
  • formation and growth of a skeleton;
  • functionality of a thyroid gland;
  • lower cholesterol level in an organism (together with vitamin C);
  • rejuvenescence of fabrics;
  • hearing strengthening;
  • removal of toxins from an organism.

The modern medicine uses Retinolum as means as a part of complex therapy against different allergies.

  • vegetables: cabbage, carrots, tomatoes;
  • fruit: apricot, discharge;
  • cod-liver oil;
  • eggs;
  • butter.

And here the intake of alcohol, smoked food leads to decrease in its stocks in an organism.

The solar vitamin D known still as a calciferol is distinguished from oil-soluble vitamins. It — one of key materials in the structure of bones, teeth, helps to be acquired with an organism to calcium (and also to magnesium and phosphorus).

It gets to an organism together with certain products, but its main share is developed on the basis of cholesterol in skin under the influence of solar (ultra-violet) beams.

Whether you know? 20-30 minutes of suntan during the period till 11 in the morning or after 16:00 allow to lower on 3% level of cholesterol in a human body, having turned it into 2/3 day norms of vitamin D.

  • but also for their strengthening, accretion: it is in addition appointed at changes, in the period of a menopause (when durability of bones at women decreases), after operations for acceleration of healing of wounds;
  • cosmetologists use a calciferol for improvement of growth of hair;
  • it reduces risk of emergence of oncology of a mammary gland;
  • it is also known as a youth elixir;
  • together with elements A and C enhances immunity, without allowing catarrhal diseases;
  • strengthens nervous system;
  • the calciferol stimulates work of heart and thyroid gland and also brings lead out of fabrics.

People who seldom are in the fresh air usually complain of the shortage of this substance. However, decrease in its level in a human body is a habitual phenomenon today: because of air pollution, existence of a smog over the cities the concentration of sunshine decreases.

The vitamin D received from products will help to correct a situation in that case:

  • milk;
  • butter;
  • eggs.

Vitamin E, or tocopherol, was discovered in 1922 during the researches.

In its structure only hydrogen, carbon and oxygen are found, however it does not prevent it to be one of the most important minerals of a human body which is responsible for ability to breed.

Important! In fact, element E is the combined name for two subgroups of tokoferol and tokotriyenol which are very similar in structure and to properties, however differ in degree of biological activity.

  • as well as all representatives of group fat-soluble, it is not dissolved in the water environment and collects in fatty tissues, a liver and also blood, a uterus, adrenal glands and a hypophysis. But, unlike the majority of other vitamins, its surplus is brought out of an organism quickly therefore this complex is non-toxic;
  • is not afraid of high temperatures, effect of acids. However at repeated heating loses the bulk of the useful properties;
  • the human body is capable to acquire for time no more than 50% of the vitamin E which is contained in products (on condition of existence of enough bilious acids for their processing).
  • stimulate work of an endocrine system;
  • take part in proteinaceous exchange, providing development of muscle tissue (for it they are so loved by athletes);
  • protect an organism from harm of free radicals thanks to existence free IT is groups.
  • during pregnancy provide prevention of appearance of pathologies in a fruit.
  • oils of plant and animal origin;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • liver and meat;
  • germinated cereals.

Whether you know? Today in the world 13 vitamins are officially recognized, however in the nearest future them can become more: in waiting list for receiving this rank there are several connections.

The group of vitamins K has no so pronounced scopes of application as others fat-soluble, however without them it is difficult to present work of a human body as they:

  • control blood clotting and work of a liver;
  • provide power generation in a body, participating in ATP creation;
  • strengthen cellular membranes;
  • carry out a metabolism between bones and connecting fabrics;
  • take part in digestion of calcium.

Intestines of the adult and healthy person develop enough this substance, however in certain cases there is a need to receive them from the outside. It is possible to find K-connection in:

  • to cabbage;
  • cereals;
  • salad;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • liver.

Oil-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K are responsible for various aspects of work of an organism therefore their shortage will quickly be shown in everyday life.

For example, bleeding of gums, bad healing of wounds and cuts — sign of shortage of vitamin K.

If you want your organism correctly to function, read as avitaminosis is shown and what to do at a lack of vitamins.

  • the sight worsens, night blindness develops (the person extremely badly sees in twilight, at bad lighting);
  • skin becomes dry;
  • often there are respiratory diseases owing to decrease in immunity.

The shortage of a calciferol (D-connection) leads to underdevelopment of bones and rickets at children's age, and for adults it is fraught with osteoporosis.

For an organism leads a lack of vitamin E to extremely negative consequences: it provokes failures in work to nervous system, hearts and also can become the cause of anemia. However the most serious consequence of deficiency is infertility.

We believe, we could offer an explanation concerning what is oil-soluble vitamins. It is difficult to overestimate their role, but at the same time it is worth remembering important nuance: their surplus is extremely harmful to an organism too. At the healthy and balanced nutrition there is no need for additional vitamin complexes therefore without medical prescription it is better not to use them to avoid overdose.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
