Pickled cucumbers can be given on a table with potatoes or to use them as one of ingredients of many dishes. Salt cucumbers on one of recipes. They will turn out tasty, crunchy and appetizing.
It is required to you
- Pickles "Three Days":
- cucumbers;
- fennel;
- garlic;
- horse-radish;
- cherry leaves;
- smoroda leaves;
- salt;
- Pickled cucumbers with vodka:
- cucumbers;
- 5 liters of water;
- 100 g of vodka;
- 2 tablespoons of salt;
- 3 tablespoons of sugar;
- bay leaf;
- fennel;
- pod of bitter pepper;
- horse-radish root.
1. Pickles "Three Days" Wash out glass jars in warm water with use of detergents or mustard. Carefully rinse them.
2. Put collected cucumbers in a pan or a bucket and fill in them with cold water for 2-3 hours. Then well wash out the soaked cucumbers, cut off at them tips from two parties.
3. Put cucumbers in a colander, drench them with boiled water and spread out on banks. On a bottom of cans and between cucumbers put leaves of horse-radish, currant and cherry, fennel umbrellas, garlic gloves.
4. Prepare a brine. For this purpose boil water. Filling of one 3-liter jar with cucumbers will require about 1.5 liters of water. On each liter of water add 2 tablespoons of salt. Bring a brine to the boil and cool it.
5. Fill in with a brine banks with cucumbers and put them in deep ware. Cover cucumbers with a gauze and maintain them three days at the room temperature. During this time in banks foam is formed, and a part of a brine can flow out.
6. Merge a brine in a pan, bring it to the boil. Fill in cucumbers with a hot brine, roll up banks metal covers. You store banks with pickled cucumbers in the cool place.
7. Pickled cucumbers with a vodkoyprosterilizuyta a 3-liter glass jar.
8. Wash out cucumbers and cut off at them tips from two parties. Lay cucumbers in bank. There add bay leaf, a horse-radish root, a pod of bitter pepper, several umbrellas of fennel.
9. Dissolve in 1.5 liters of cold otstoyanny water 2 tablespoons of salt with the hill and 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
10. Pour in 100 g of vodka in bank and fill in cucumbers with the prepared brine.
11. Leave to bank with cucumbers for 4 days at the room temperature. Remove the foam which is formed from above.
12. Merge a brine from banks, boil it and fill in cucumbers. Close banks metal covers. You store banks with the cucumbers salted with vodka at the room temperature or in the cool place.