How many eggs can be eaten in day not to do harm to health

How many eggs can be eaten in day not to do harm to health

Disputes on harm and advantage of eggs are conducted for a long time. Some claim that eggs - a product, irreplaceable on the structure, which gives to an organism protein so necessary for it others say that excessive consumption of eggs leads to increase in cholesterol and consequently, to development of cardiovascular diseases. How many eggs can be used in day not to do much harm to health?

Eggs - a unique product which is often used for preparation of dishes. Eggs are boiled, fried, cook from them omelets and so on.

Than eggs are useful

This product contains many polyunsaturated fats and also phosphorus and potassium which improve work of nervous system and brain. The protein which is contained in eggs participates in process of formation of hemoglobin, in addition it improves a condition of hair and nails, and vitamins of group B contribute to the correct growth and the development of a fruit so eggs are extremely necessary for pregnant women.

Whether really eggs raise cholesterol?

To answer this question, it is necessary to know that cholesterol happens two types: bad and good. Good cholesterol is produced by our liver, it stimulates work of the immune system, thanks to it vital hormones, such as testosterone and cortisol are produced. Bad cholesterol contributes to the development of various vascular diseases, but eggs saturate an organism with useful, good cholesterol.

How many it is possible to use eggs in day

According to the conclusion of scientists, day norm of the healthy adult - 3 pieces a day. In such quantity, irrespective of a way of preparation, eggs will bring to an organism only benefit.

Why it is impossible to eat more than 3 eggs a day

Daily excess of admissible norm of this product can provoke excess of the useful substances which are contained in eggs and then instead of advantage it is possible to achieve the return result. I am well-cared - it is and there is that useful cholesterol, and two - three eggs completely cover the daily need of an organism for it. A surplus I am well-cared can lead to a sharp lowering of arterial pressure that is especially dangerous to hypotensive persons. Besides, eggs - very allergenic product therefore it is better for some people to use it with care.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
