Healthy food. About harm ""fast food"

Healthy food. About harm ""fast food"

Rate of modern life is so high that, wishing to keep up with time, the person not always finds time normally to eat. Therefore fast food or so-called fast food becomes very popular. Huge amount of various hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, instant noodles, soluble soups, chips, croutons and other stalls and shops offer quickly to satisfy hunger. However consumption of such food isn't safe at all.

Many types of fast food are, in fact, the dried-up products. That is from them all moisture is evaporated, respectively they lose not only taste and aroma, but also useful substances and vitamins. Such products can't almost be eaten therefore the smell and taste create by means of chemical additives, the majority they of which bear harm to an organism.

Meat components of hamburgers and hot dogs mostly consist of fat, and products of its oxidation in an organism damage cages of vessels, hearts, a liver, change composition of blood. All this involves diseases of a cardiovascular system subsequently, and at a bad outcome a heart attack.

Besides for preparation of fast food palm oil which harm is already proved is often used. And the sunflower oil used several times isn't useful for an organism at all.

Many times found colibacilli in contents of shawarma and hot dogs. Doctors sound the alarm long ago, calling similar food a source of intestinal diseases.

In a human body leptin which is responsible for feeling of saturation and controls appetite is emitted. Consumption of fast food results in immunity of this hormone. As a result of it such disease as bulimia – uncontrollable eating of food develops. It leads to obesity and other dangerous consequences.

To crown it all "fast food" causes the true dependence, at the use of fat and sweet the dopamine which creates feeling is allocated the pleasure and desire constantly are similar food.

Only the balanced diet, the use of cereals, vegetables, fruit, nuts is useful for an organism. Some time is better to hunger, but then to eat normal food, than to poison an organism with fast food. The natural products combined with reasonable physical activities – here a way to keep and strengthen health.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
