Advantage and application of an asparagus in cookery

Advantage and application of an asparagus in cookery

Asparagus - a bush from family of an asparagus family. Shoots of an asparagus apply not only in culinary business, use them as a preventive medicine in the raw. It both element of a gastronomy, and curative plant. An asparagus began to use in Ancient Egypt couple thousands years ago.

Structure and advantage of an asparagus

The asparagus contains many useful substances: carotene, potassium, proteins, coumarins, carbohydrates, organic acids. And though the asparagus not really of a kaloriyn, it sates an organism with all necessary, giving forces.

Still it cleans an organism from slags, has beneficial influence on nervous system. Coumarins are substances which are very useful to heart, they don't allow to formation of blood clots in vessels, I control blood clotting.

And here for people with diabetes the consumption of an asparagus is contraindicated. If the person has any problems with a stomach, the asparagus should be eaten with care.

Application of an asparagus

Generally in cookery escapes of rhizomes of this plant which appear around an asparagus on spring are used. It is more preferable to use young escapes as already during couple of days they become more rough and aren't suitable for the use any more.

The asparagus can be cooked, extinguished, frozen and baked. It is added to vegetable salads, with it cook meat dishes and soups. Still an asparagus - a good full-fledged garnish.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
