Any invention of mankind can be turned as into the evil, and for the good to the creator. The Internet appeared in the 70th years of the 20th century, and today it is impossible to provide the world without wide area network. There is a set of ways to spend time on the Internet with benefit.
1. Communicate. The Internet is called not accidentally worldwide network. It integrates people of various professions, nationalities, age. There are special websites for communication like different chats, the websites for acquaintances. But the leading position in Internet communication is taken by social networks. Having created the account on similar resources, you will be able to find new or long ago the lost friends.
2. You study. The Internet gives huge opportunities for training and self-education. A large number of digital libraries offers you the widest range of literature on any interesting question. Besides, thanks to the Internet, you can get remote higher education in domestic or foreign higher education institutions.
3. Work. Today more and more young people give preference to so-called "remote" work or freelance ("freelancer" is translated as "the free worker"). If you the designer, the programmer, the journalist or the philologist (and it is possible, you just have similar skills), then you will be able to occupy the niche in the market of free work.
4. Have a good time. If you came into Network for five minutes, you risk to stay in it several hours because the Internet gives just unlimited options of pastime. You can watch interesting videos from all over the world, visit online galleries of the museums which are on other end of the earth. You can listen to favourite music, read jokes, learn the latest world news and so on. You can even communicate to the idols if they have an official site.