How to play games in a mail

How to play games in a mail

It is possible to play games in a mail without preparation, but nevertheless it is better to try to follow the instruction. Develop own strategy and use it. There is a general provision on these games which is useful for knowing.


1. You come into a mail under the account. On the website a large number of strategic and multiplayer games is located. You select game type according to contents or on complexity: easy, simple, browser, a mini-game, a game in my world.

2. You get acquainted with rules, read the instruction to a game, you learn what keys to manage. Train. You observe the sequence of steps voluntarily. You can at once begin to play a trial and error method, for this purpose it is necessary to choose the corresponding command.

3. In each game the basic rating which can be increased is given, gaining victories over rivals, and it is possible and to reduce to utter impossibility to enter a game without replenishments into the account.

4. In any game on a mail you can recharge real money. It is necessary to use them for increase in rating or obtaining hints, protection and other additional functions. Nobody forces to pay, it is possible to perform successfully tasks without putting kopeks.

5. Pay attention to the received bonuses, not all of them are useful. Some are intended for the player others for the rival, they can reduce or increase game time, add balls, put out of action for several seconds. Use bonuses reasonably.

6. A game can be calculated for two the person, for example, fans of manipulation with words will suit "Head". It is necessary to add a letter that the new word appeared to already available inscription. For the allowed time you in turn perform a task who has more balls, that also won. You take seat more conveniently and you begin a competition.

7. A game can include a large number of players, speed is important. The system itself selects rivals. It can be seen, for example, in the mini-game "Laboratory of Monsters" in which part is taken by several persons interested.

8. Be ready that downloading or playing online in a certain category of games, through some time can tell you that for continuation of a game, it is necessary to grant a certain sum. The quality requires money, decide in advance whether it is worth losing virtual pleasure.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
