How to learn the e-mail address

How to learn the e-mail address

With development of Internet technologies e-mail becomes more and more popular type of communication. Really, with its help it is possible to exchange messages and files. But how to learn the e-mail address of the organization or the person to whom you want to write?

It is required to you

  • - computer;
  • - Internet access.


1. The easiest to find e-mail of the organization or the official. For this purpose visit the website of establishment in the section "Contact Information" or "As to Contact Us". Along with the geographical, postal address and phone you will be able to find e-mail there. E-mail of any particular person or department of the organization you will be able to find on its page on the website.

2. If the organization has no website, use other sources for search. For search in the large cities you can use the database of the companies attached to the card of the Dubl-Gis system. It can be downloaded on the computer or to use online on the official site of the company - B to such base except the addresses and phones also electronic boxes are specified. Similar search can be carried out also by means of Google Internet search engine. Enter the name of the company into a search string. If it appears in data of Google, you will be able to see its location on the card, and a tkzha the contact phone number and the e-mail address.

3. To find the e-mail address of the individual, begin search with social networks. Some people specify the e-mail on the page in open access. But search complicates need of registration on the similar websites.

4. One more opportunity is a search through directories of graduates of higher educational institutions. For this purpose you need to know the name of the university from which the person graduated. Visit the website of higher education institution, select the section "Graduates". Many universities spread information on graduates containing names and surnames and also, in certain cases, and the e-mail addresses there.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
