How to remove warts at the child

How to remove warts at the child

If your child had warts – do not worry, usually they pass independently in 12-18 months. However if they began to increase in sizes or to bleed, surely address the dermatologist. You will be able to remove warts also at home, but in certain cases nevertheless it is better to resort to one of treatment methods recommended by dermatologists (cryotherapy, laser therapy or surgical removal).

It is required to you

  • - ointments;
  • - plasters (disks);
  • - herbs.


1. Use for removal of warts at children special ointments. You apply ointment on a wart during all course of treatment, but no more than two months in a row one means. In case warts do not disappear, and on the contrary, begin to inflame - at once stop treatment and address the expert. Most likely, means for treatment was incorrectly chosen or the child has an allergy to it.

2. Use plasters (disks) which one party is impregnated with salicylic acid. They are on sale practically in all pharmacies. Take a plaster (disk) and cut out from it a circle of the necessary form which will cover completely a wart, and attach it to its top. This method of treatment optimum is suitable for the active children who are constantly in the movement.

3. In case usual methods did not give due effect, the doctor can suggest to remove warts by means of cryotherapy, laser therapy or surgically. Each of these methods has minuses and pluses therefore you have to carry out the procedure of removal of warts only in medical institutions under observation of a dermakosmetolog. The first two methods are almost painless and do not leave scars at their correct carrying out, surgical operation is always performed with anesthesia that will bring to the child unpleasant feelings therefore he, most likely, in case of a recurrence will hide warts from parents, being afraid of repetition of the procedure.

4. Besides traditional methods of treatment of warts at children, it is possible to resort also to folk remedies: for example, you apply twice a day on a wart juice of a svezhesorvanny celandine until it does not leave, or apply a bandage with well kneaded kalanchoe leaves within a week, changing it for fresh daily. Surely consult with the attending physician before use of folk remedies.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
