How to overcome children's crisis

How to overcome children's crisis

Crisis of age happens not only at adults. It is also characteristic of the children's period of development of the person.

Here also there passed three years as happiness in the form of the shouting tot came to family. How many during this time it happened for the first time: the first zubik, the first word, the first letter. Behind there were nipples and diapers, ahead – huge life. And here, the age (2.5-3 years) when the kid already begins to prepare for independent life came, stands on the hind legs, becomes stubborn in upholding of the desires, often argues to show that it has own opinion (nothing that it antithetically to opinion of adults). This manifestation of identity of the little person.

To stop negative manifestation of children's identity, it is necessary to know psychology of the child and his requirement. Three years are an age when the kid needs communication with peers. Therefore visit of children's clubs of early development, kindergarten will be just by the way. It is not necessary to react to tears and the child's whims very emotionally. Perhaps, it just disobedience, or perhaps crisis which does not come to an end when the child receives the desirable. Crisis is a change of his behavior, and it quickly will not pass.

That to keep a situation under control, it is impossible to rush to extremes: to allow or everything to forbid everything. But there are moments, and the child has to know about them when it is necessary to obey adults: for example, when crossing the road it has to hold surely a hand with the adult, it is impossible to litter, be rude to people. On the other hand, it is possible to allow to play pranks when it is appropriate, for example, having rolled about in snow.

  • The important rule of education is it: a word it has to "is impossible" to be reasoned ("It is impossible to touch the stove: it is possible to burn").
  • One of the important educational points checked by time is the skazkoterapiya. In each fairy tale there is a good and evil. Reading of fairy tales gives the chance to discuss actions of heroes, to estimate them.
  • The child of 3 years needs to give the chance to show independence where he wants it: to put on a jacket, to put shoes on, help to inform of a bag, to give points. The main thing not to forget to praise it for it.
  • Adults need to learn not to raise the voice on the child. It is sometimes quite difficult, but on that they and adults that on their examples the youth studied. In response to shout of the child it is necessary to tell that it is understood, to try to reach compromise or to occupy its attention with other type of actions.
  • After all, the professional psychologist can help parents with impact on the child. The correct council will be able to settle behavior of the kid and to correct actions of parents that their communication with the child was mutually pleasant.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
