The little person who was recently born needs communication not less, than food or a dream. And communication is not only warmly mother's touches, its tender voice, but also a game. Yes, the kid to whom only several weeks were executed is already capable to play! But, of course, only by means of mom.
The first toys are rattles, this is true. Their choice is huge, but you should not pursue quantity, it is better to take care of a variety. Let each rattle of your kid will have own "identity": form, in color, by "voice".
In the first weeks it is possible to try to draw attention of the kid to a new entertainment. Bring a rattle at distance of 30 cm from the child's eyes, try to achieve that the kid focused on it the attention, and then smoothly you drive a toy here and there. The kid looks after a new subject? Wonderful! It is possible to draw attention of the kid with a rattle sound a bit later, let it will turn a head, will find it eyes.
On 2-3 month of life put a rattle in the child's handle, let him investigate it. And at later age the rattle (as, however, and other bright toy) can become an excellent incentive to induce the child to turn over, spread, rise on legs, to take the first steps. It is only necessary to place it so that the kid made effort to reach a bright bagatelle.
Many parents call the mobile real baculine - a lifesaver, and it is not accidental: it is bewitched listening to a gentle melody, watching closely spinning of figures in a karuselka, the kid will not begin to cry even if you for a minute will leave the room.
But, of course, the main function of the mobile is to develop and entertain the child. At first the kid develops sight and hearing, monitoring movements of toys to the sound of music, and later the mobile can turn into the real exercise machine when the child begins to try to take the suspended figures handles, to reach them a leg. Of course, at the same time parents have to take care of that both the mobile, and its details were reliably fixed.
The developing rug
It is real "ground" for development of the little researcher. There is also a richness of paints for a sight training, and a variety of invoices for development of tactile sensitivity, and a set of interesting bagatelles with reliably fixed details which are so interesting for touching fingers (at the same time developing fine motor skills). And still it is possible to force all this to rustle, rustle, rattle, peep and even to taste!
But, of course, it is not even necessary to leave the child alone even with such remarkable toy. It will be much more interesting if mom or dad show him all opportunities of the developing rug. Your kid surely will have a desire to repeat it!
Objects for leaving
Yes, be not surprised. The things having practical value in care for the kid such, as
- small bottles
- prezyvatel
- thermometers for a bathtub
- sponges and basts for bathing
Yes, all this can quite perform function of toys: producers took care of it, having shown imagination and profound knowledge of psychology of the baby. Now everyday procedures will bring to your child not only benefit, but also a lot of pleasure!
What it is better not to play yet
- The toys intended for children of advanced age. Believe, your kid still will manage to enjoy all delights of transforming robots, locks for princesses and many other games and toys – let he only at first will a little grow up. Now such objects are not too interesting to him, and at times and are dangerous: nobody expected that kids will play with them therefore these toys can consist of the small and not too reliably fixed details.
- Soft toys. Lovely fluffy animals will wait for the turn too. They will make friends with your kid when he outgrows a habit to get acquainted with new objects by means of language. Whatever soft and clean their "fur" was, not enough advantage will be if the baby begins to lick and suck it.