Why extra kilos return

Why extra kilos return

How often we torture ourselves diets, pursuing the only aim — to get rid of extra kilos and folds. But why, having made so many efforts, having made so many investments for purchase of products for diet, belts for weight loss, inconceivable exercises, after a while our left kilograms return again?

Why our organism so foully returns us unwanted weight? The fact is that even after rigid diet the quantity of fat cages does not become less, there is their size less. At the same time your weight can be much less former. During diet and also if you are engaged in physical exercises, your organism takes additional reserve from fat cages, that is cages in fact "grow thin". Further cages are again restored, returning to the former sizes. On walls of cages receptors which help fat cage to work are located. One type of receptors — alpha receptors — is engaged in splitting of fats, and other type of receptors — beta receptors — is engaged in their accumulation. These processes carry the name lipolysis and lipogenesis.

These processes of accumulation and splitting of fat are influenced by hormone insulin which is produced, in turn, by pancreas. And so, insulin promotes formation of difficult process as a result of which at synthesis sugar is processed into fats, and they quickly pass into sections by means of receptors which accumulate fat.

How fats are split? When we diligently keep to diet, namely we starve, there is production of hormone of hunger — glucagon. Also fats by means of hormone of growth which is produced less and less with age are split. Also adrenaline helps to split fats. The procedure of liposuction becomes inefficient for the obvious reasons. Removal of fat cages on some part of the body can provoke emergence of fat deposits on other site. The organism anyway will indemnify loss and will return loss also with stock. The medicine does not stand still. And to replace surgical intervention, new technologies of fight against fat deposits are entered: electric, vacuum, ultrasonic technique of splitting of fat. New techniques do not promote destruction of cages, they dilute fat. But in order that the effect of such procedures remained as long as possible, it is necessary to observe both correctly calculated food, and truly picked up physical activities. Therefore your wearisome hunger strike — huge stress for your organism. It is necessary to get rid of fat gradually. For this purpose it is necessary to pick up food that it was balanced. Do not torment the organism, let's it get used to the new image gradually. Begin with small, grow thin slowly you gain desirable effect for a long time and without consequences for health.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
