How to get rid of black eye in one day

How to get rid of black eye in one day

Bruise under eye – "ornament" of which there is a wish to get rid as soon as possible. Usually bruises resolve in 7-10 days, but there is not always opportunity to sit out at home during this term. However, in time having begun treatment, you will be able to get rid of bruise quickly enough. And, though in one day completely it will not be possible "to remove" bruise, it is possible to minimize trauma consequences.


1. The black eye, as well as bruise on any other place of body is interstitial hemorrhage. As a result of trauma the vessels located under skin burst, and blood from them spreads in the thickness of fabrics – and appears through thin skin. Therefore it is impossible to get rid of bruise in one day – the blood congestion simply will not manage "to resolve" for such short term.

2. Terms of treatment of bruise will depend in many respects on how quickly you have reacted to trauma. The first 20 minutes, blood flows from the vessels damaged by blow. Therefore at this stage it is necessary to put as soon as possible to the place of bruise ice or cold subject. Vessels will be narrowed, and rush of blood will decrease – respectively, and bruise will be less noticeable. Besides, cold helps to get rid of hypostases which steadily arise on the place of bruise – and it will also make trauma less noticeable. In certain cases "freezing" of the place of blow allows to avoid appearance of bruise in general.

3. The cold compress on black eye can be made of what is near at hand. It is possible to use for this purpose two metal tablespoons (you press one of them to the place of bruise, in the same time you cool the second in the freezer or glass with ice water, you change in process of heating), In the same way it is possible to use large metal coins. Also ice cubes from the freezer, the frozen bottle with water will approach and if business happens in the winter – snow lump from balcony. The good effect is rendered also by the vodka divorced water in proportion 1:1 and frozen in the freezer. However not to scratch gentle skin around eyes, when carrying out ice compresses it is better to wrap ice or snow in gauze or handkerchief.

4. Duration of ice compresses should not exceed 5-10 minutes (otherwise it is possible to freeze skin) then it is possible to take break for 15-20 minutes. Intensively it is necessary to cool the place of bruise within 2-3 hours after trauma. If the place of bruise hurts – it is possible to accept in parallel with cold compresses (which, by the way, reduce pain a little) also analgetics. However soothing it is necessary to exclude aspirin from the list – it dilutes blood and reduces its coagulability that can lead to increase in hematoma.

5. Will help to reduce bruise and special ointments or gels which can be got in drugstore – they possess resorptional action and strengthen walls of vessels, besides reduce puffiness. It is possible to apply such ointments at once after bruise. One of the most popular means from bruises – Troksevazin ointment. Also Lioton gel, heparin ointment, Sinyak-Off ointment, Rescuer, Arnica and Indovazin balm have well proved in fight against bruises. Resorptional ointments apply according to the instruction, the frequency of processing of the place of bruise usually is not less than 2-3 times a day. It allows for 2-3 day after traumatizing to make black eye hardly noticeable.

6. Popular natural bruises medicine is the fresh-water sponge – sea sponge. Medicines on its basis can be bought in drugstore – they are produced in the form of gel and powder. Gel is more often used for treatment of pimples, and for resorption of hematomas it is better to get powder means. Two tablespoons of powder of nonsense part in tablespoon of water and apply the received gruel on bruise. Medicine is applied by 2-3 times a day, it accelerates resorption of bruises and restoration of fabrics.

7. In a day after bruise bruise it is possible to begin also treat heat. But it is possible to do it only after the tumor falls down. For these purposes use sack with heated salt or hot-water bottle. It is also possible to put to bruise the hard-boiled egg, slightly having cooled it and having turned in fabric napkin. Egg needs to be held until it cools down. In heat of cage work more actively therefore bruise will descend much quicker.

8. To help get rid quickly of black eye also folk remedies can. Fresh leaves are considered as one of the most effective of them. Juice of this grass possesses anti-inflammatory and soothing action, treats bruises accelerates resorption of bruises. The fresh leaf of plantain is put to bruise, changing as required.

9. Also the bitter wormwood will help to accelerate resorption of black eye at short notice. The fresh grass is for this purpose necessary. It it is necessary istoloch before emergence of juice and to apply with thick layer vegetable gruel on bruise (avoiding hit in eyes). In process of drying of grass it is moistened with water or changed for new.

10. However very effective remedy for disposal of bruises also the usual onions are less pleasant. For treatment of bruise the bulb is crushed in gruel and do of it compress – or grease the place of bruise with fresh onions juice. To use onions for skin around eyes not really pleasantly – from pungent smell of onions eyes therefore it is better to resort to this means only as a last resort when other means have not appeared near at hand will begin to water.

11. The hematoma under eye can be disguised by means of cosmetics. Foundation for this purpose approaches not really well – it should be imposed too thick layer, otherwise bruise will "appear through" cosmetics. Therefore the liquid proofreader in combination with concealer is better to use. In the first days after bruise when skin under eye still has blue-violet shade, the yellow proofreader is the best of all to use; when bruise blossoms" and will become yellowish-brown or red – green. The proofreader it is necessary to apply carefully on the damaged site with finger-tips, to wait for drying then to put the concealer matching on color tone of skin. Atop it is possible to do usual make-up.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
