Often razvodchik of parrots regardless of breed face an issue of increase in a beak of an animal or his deformation and the subsequent his podstriganiye. It is good when the veterinary clinic is near and it is always possible to ask for the help, but what to do when there are no veterinarians nearby? If you do not know how to cut a beak I will scare in house conditions and that for this purpose is necessary – you came to the address.
1. Examine a beak of the animal whether and reveal the podstriganiye is required. Attention! It is necessary to cut a beak only when it considerably increased in sizes, prevents a bird to eat food, to speak (depending on breed) or just spoils appearance of the pet.
2. Prepare cosmetic (manicure) scissors of the small size with the rounded-off ends and a usual nail file. You can also buy special scissors tweezers for a podstriganiye of nails of a parrot and a nail file in pet-shop. It is necessary to know that such devices as manicure set will not be suitable for a podstriganiye of a beak of a parrot of big breed, here it is better to use special tweezers for a hairstyle of a beak of birds.
3. Include good lighting. It is required in order that the grown part of a beak was well visible, and you could not touch blood vessels at an obstriganiye.
4. Pick up a bird and caress her. Record the head, somebody can help you with it because it is alone difficult, and devices can injure a bird.
5. Cut a beak, doing small cuts obliquely in several stages (4-5). Proshlifuyte the cut-off beak of a bird a nail file. It is ready.
6. Be attentive and careful when holding this sort actions as any awkward movement can do harm to health of your pet. Do all procedures only at good lighting and only when it is not possible to ask for the help the veterinarian.