Gleysher park

Gleysher park

Travel Hits: 244

Gleysher park – one of the most beautiful places on the planet. It to be in the State of Montana of the USA. Annually, about two million people are visited by this wonderful place. The wild and cut-up mountains, rocks and also there are a lot of beautiful lakes and rivers I attract guests from the whole world. And, above all from Canada. The territory of the park to be just on border of Canada and makes more than 4,000 sq. kilometers. The park attracts visitors a set of the Rocky Mountains. And also, fans of lakes. The area includes okolo150 lakes of different scale. Part of them received huge popularity. One of the most known and beautiful lakes are McDonald and Saint-Mary.

Besides, till the 20th century in the territory of the park there were about 150 glaciers. Unfortunately, many of them disappeared, because of change of weather. Just in the 20th centuries tourists actively began to visit the park. Because of popularity in 1910 the park was given the status of national.

At the same time, the park is well-known for animals. Here it is possible to see grizzly bears, gluttons, mountain goats, cariboos and others. To fans of beautiful transport, provide trips by beautiful buses of red color here.

The park is one of the biggest national parks of the world. Mountain tops in the park with amazing landscapes. Very often tourists enjoy unsurpassed beauty of the park not only hours, but also for days on end.

Fine mountain tops in the park reach 3000 meters. And 40 glaciers and rocks of ancient centuries decorate the park. Bewitching falls give to the park more popularity.

Near the wild park the Osyok River which surrounds the sea gulf flows. The Indian tribes were the very first settlers here. Separately shayena, Crowe, chernonogy, assiniboyna, grovantra and sia. According to history the Indians lodged here more than 10,000 years ago. Because of the unsurpassed nature the Montana was christened the center of the Wild West.

The park was visited even by the most famous such forwarding agents as Lewis and Clark. They found Indians from various tribes. At the same time, in the 1807th year reduced port under the name Manuel here. Its name devoted in memory of the local dealer Manuel Lays. Locals used an outpost only for trade. But in 1811, trade between tribes stopped because of hostility. At the same time, in 1858 the inhabitants found the gold deposit here. Because of a pot of gold the Montana in several years was filled with a great number of immigrants. At that time, almost all residents of Montana suffered from this gold-rush.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
