What effect of squats

What effect of squats

To grow thin, keep physical shape or it is just good to feel, it is necessary to involve as much as possible muscles. Not all exercises work in a complex, generally they are directed to some one part of the body. But here the advantage of squats is obvious not only to legs, but also to other muscles.

Any physical activity is good moderately. The wrong performance of exercises or excessive diligence in occupations can result in opposite result. So, that give squats if to carry out them intelligently.

Obvious effect

First, the effect of squats is expressed in active gain of muscle bulk on buttocks and hips. Any other exercise not to achieve such fast results for these parts of the body. Secondly, if during squats to place more widely than the leg, and to develop socks outside, then the internal surface of the hip is involved. It is the most "whimsical" zone of the women's body which is very difficult for tightening. Thirdly, advantage of squats that to this look physical occupations the body if gets used, then much longer, than, for example, to swing of the press. Besides the plie and deep squats cover not only all muscles of legs and buttocks, but also the slanting and direct press. Often this type of exercises is carried out with weighting – the post on shoulders or dumbbells in hands. Therefore, squatting, it is possible to strengthen also these areas. It will be pleasant to that who is interested that squats give to learn that it is possible to replace with one of this exercise several others.

Production of testosterone

The positive effect of squats is known to professional bodybuilders long ago. Similar trainings stimulate production of hormone of testosterone which is responsible for growth of muscle bulk. Thus, squats, involving the greatest number of muscles, favor to the strengthened organism training in general.

Reverse of the medal

As far as they are effective were, harm from squats is too. If to perform exercise it is wrong not to calculate, for example, the forces and to take too big weight, the hernia nuclei pulposi can be formed. Teenagers as they can stop in growth can't carry out squats with weighting. Also deep plies with the turned-out socks often lead to dislocations of knees and ankle joints. So it is possible to squat with the weight only after full medical examination. And then it is necessary to visit the doctor who will track changes in the organism regularly. Besides, it is necessary to remember that the excessive diligence in squats can terminate in overfatigue and exhaustion that will result in impossibility to continue studies. Therefore it is necessary to train in process of the forces, increasing loading gradually.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
