Began to lead a healthy lifestyle fashionable recently therefore every day the number of sport centers and fitness centers becomes more and more. The fact that female representatives in similar institutions became much more pleases. However, quite often, spending much time at trainings, girls do not achieve the expected result. It arises because of the wrong selection of a complex of physical exercises. Let's consider how physiological features of women influence selection of any given sports exercises and what types of trainings happen.
Subtleties of female physiology
The specifics of sports activities at women are defined by physiological features of a female body which, undoubtedly, differ from men's. The first distinctive feature of an organism of the woman — the low level of hormone of testosterone (except for some women at whom it is higher than norm).
Learn how to raise testosterone in the woman's organism.
Testosterone — men's hormone which is responsible for vegetation on a face, deepening of timbre of a voice, extent of aggression of the person and that the most important in this situation — testosterone is responsible for growth of muscles. In the woman's organism this hormone is produced by ovaries and adrenal glands in a small amount because of what it is much heavier to girls to achieve increase in mass of muscles.
The second difference is that the building women's a muscle not such, as at males: women's contain smaller amount of muscle fibers thanks to which muscles are reduced and stretch. That is why muscles at girls are not so inclined to a hypertrophy at a power training with a small amount of turns on growth of weight.
The third feature — processes of metabolism at women happen more slowly. It concerns also exchange of carbohydrates because of what quite often in a female body the excess of these substances which turn into fat over time is formed.
Important! Muscle tissue reserves carbohydrates in the form of a glycogen: the more this substance in muscles, the quicker they get a form. If you accept the correct carbohydrates, it should be considered when planning trainings as exercises on force in that case will give the best effect.
Whether are necessary to women of exercise with a bar and dumbbells
If the girl wants to have the tightened body, in the list of exercises there have to be power exercises with various weighting compounds and their correctly picked up weight. There are main reasons defining need of trainings with a weight for girls:
- There is a passive burning of calories: muscles stimulate exchange processes in an organism that assumes loss of fat without special expenses of energy. Energy economy, in turn, helps to keep muscles as the more they are developed, the more energy is required for their preservation.
- Bones become stronger: if the weight of a bar or a dumbbell for work is picked up correctly, occupations promote consolidation of a bone tissue with the sparing load of joints.
- Thanks to yoga, Pilates or some cardiotrainings it will not be possible to reach such effect which occupations with a weight will give.
Women who visit gym often neglect warm-up that is a big mistake. Couple of intensive exercises without weight help to warm muscles, joints and ligaments, to prepare them for the main part of a training and to prevent appearance of injuries in the course of performance of the main exercises. To warm up, it is possible to poprisedat, make inclinations, to jump on a jump rope or to make an extension. If the purpose of your trainings is not dropping excess weight, it is possible to replace warm-up intensive kardio (about 20 minutes).
Important! Training in the gym, it is important to watch also a menstrual cycle. In the first days after periods the organism of the girl is full of strength therefore it is possible to do loading more, to train more intensively. To begin to reduce loadings it is necessary before periods, during the same period it is not necessary to do loads of a lower body, and in the first days monthly it is better to refuse occupations absolutely.
Types of trainings for girls in gym
In attempts to lose weight by a swimming season of the girl often make the same mistake: are engaged kardio, missing exercises with a weight which have to be the integral component of the plan of occupations. Let's consider, than power trainings from kardio and what value for an organism have both appearance of occupations differ.
Power exercises
Power occupations are exercises with an additional weight in the form of a bar, a dumbbell, etc. The purpose of their performance is development of muscles. The raised expense of calories after such occupations remains even day. At the healthy food and a day regimen including rest, occupations with a weight start and accelerate processes of creation of new substances, cages and fabrics, i.e. anabolism processes in a human body. Advantages of exercises with a weight:
- accelerate metabolism, weight loss process almost does not stop if trainings are regular;
- promote increase in density, volume and relief of muscles of a body owing to what process of a zhiroszhiganiye accelerates;
- load with energy and increase ability of an organism to work.
We recommend to read about a set of exercises for morning exercises for women.
The basic rules to which it is important to adhere when performing power exercises:
- It is better to work with the trainer who will competently pick up the weight accepted for you and type of occupations, depending on specific features of your organism.
- It is important to count correctly the forces and not to be overstrained.
- The correct breath plays an important role at power trainings (it is necessary to inhale at relaxation, and to exhale — at a tension).
- For one training it is necessary to train one group of muscles, but once a week should be done load of all body.
- The best time for performance of exercise of this kind — morning because in it the period becomes more active process of a metabolism.
Kardio is occupations on the racetrack, the exercise bike, an ellipsoid and so forth. The purpose of cardiooccupations — improvement of work of a cardiovascular system. The raised expense of calories stops within 60 minutes after the occupation. Advantages of cardiotrainings:
- accelerate metabolism processes;
- stimulate combustion of subcutaneous fat, loss of excess calories happens quicker;
- contribute to the development and improvement of work of cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
Whether you know? Sports activities increase sexual excitement of the woman twice. It is connected with the fact that during sports activities the blood supply of all organism improves.
Rules which are important for observing when performing a female complex of cardioexercises:
- Begin occupation kardio with warm-up: thanks to it blood circulation accelerates and the organism is prepared for loadings.
- The best time for performance — after the power occupations. If it is an independent training only on kardio, it is better to hold it in the evening or in the morning.
- On time the performance of cardioexercises should not take more than 45 minutes for time. If you want to make more, divide occupation on two times: half an hour about mornings and half an hour in the evening.
- If the purpose of occupations — weight loss, the best option is an interval session.
Effective exercises
Thanks to existence in modern gyms of a large number of various exercise machines, different approaches to a training of experts, each of which offers the base of exercises, today it is possible to become puzzled when choosing the most effective. However there is a set of exercises which is advised to carry out many trainers to achieve desirable results.
Learn what is a vumbuilding and why it is necessary to train intimate muscles.
We swing legs and buttocks
Preparing for summer, girls most of all want to pump up legs and buttocks. This zone at most of women is problem as it is genetically so put that fat at female representatives is laid in a lower body. The most effective exercises which can help to cope with it is the following:
- squats with a weight on shoulders (it is, as a rule, a bar);
- attacks (with weighting);
- stanovy draft on direct legs;
- press legs on the exercise machine;
- buttock bridge.
On a back
The back consists of big (or the main) and small (or auxiliary) a muscle. During performance of exercises the most part of loading goes on big muscles, and small develop after them. For example, together with trapezoid muscles also muscles of shovels develop.
Get acquainted with a set of exercises with an expander for women.
So that to pump up a back, it is necessary to place emphasis on the main muscles, it is possible to make it by means of the following exercises:
- draft of the horizontal block for shoulders;
- stanovy draft of any kind;
- giperekstenziya;
- push-ups;
- pullings up;
- draft of a dumbbell in an inclination;
- level;
- bar press to a breast in an inclination.
On hands
As a rule, not all girls want to have too beefy hands. However it is possible to make them tightened and relief and it is even necessary for what it is necessary to do the following exercises:
- pullings up by a reverse grip;
- Californian press;
- bending of hands with a bar or dumbbells;
- costing extension of hands (on the exercise machine with a cable).
On shoulders
Shoulders are also a part of a body which women are afraid to pump over that they were not wider than hips. Strengthening of muscles of shoulders by means of the exercises given below will not spoil a female figure but only will do it good:
- costing the French press;
- press of dumbbells on a bench with a back (the successful fellow from);
- thirst of dumbbells for a chin;
- Arnold's press;
- raising of dumbbells in the parties and before.
On a breast
Whether it is possible to pump up a breast in the hall? This question of the woman is quite often asked trainers. To answer it, it is necessary to understand anatomy of a female body. The most part of volume of a female breast is made by fatty tissue and a mammary gland which, of course, it is impossible to increase by means of even the most intensive occupations in the hall in any way. However under a mammary gland there is a pectoral muscle, having pumped up which, it is possible to increase bust measurement a little.
Such exercises will help to achieve it:
- push-ups from knees or classical push-ups;
- distributing of dumbbells lying on an inclined bench;
- exercise pullover.
Press training
As the press is involved in the majority of the main exercises, it shakes even then when you do not swing it specially. If the girl needs to put emphasis on this part of a body, it is possible to execute:
- twisting on a bench in an inclination;
- raising of legs at a breast, leaning on hands.
It is important to remember that the press should be swung at the end of a training.
Healthy nutrition
What aims would not be pursued by the woman, visiting the gym, healthy nutrition — very important and necessary part of the program of occupations.
It is important! If you wish to lose excess weight, it is necessary to achieve deficiency of calories that does not assume in any way starvation to which themselves brought by many women.
So, main laws of healthy nutrition:
- It is necessary to eat food small parts of 5-6 times a day.
- It is important to control process of giving in an organism of fats and carbohydrates. If to reduce the use of products which contain carbohydrates the organism will begin to use fats which were collected in it earlier, as a power source. But as carbohydrates are necessary for an organism, it is necessary to eat porridges, vegetables and fruit (i.e. products which contain complex carbohydrates), but to refuse the products containing fast carbohydrates, for example, pastries.
- Use bigger amount of protein. It is more difficult to digest this element to an organism, than other substances therefore such process selects more energy and calories.
- It is necessary to help an organism to burn fat, the best means for this purpose — to use the products rich with vitamin C, low-fat dairy products and also to drink a lot of water (about 3 liters a day).
Examples of programs for women
To achieve the necessary effect, it is important to follow a certain scheme of trainings which depends on the purpose of occupations: weight loss or set of muscle bulk. Below examples of programs of trainings which girls can use are given.
Type of the program |
Day |
Exercises |
Notes |
The program for a week for weight loss |
1 |
Kardio (about half an hour), warm-up (10 minutes). Giperekstenziya. Squat with a bar (the first approach with an empty signature stamp) or in Smith's exercise machine. Attacks scissors with dumbbells (it is possible to use pancakes). Cultivation of legs in the exercise machine. Data of legs in the exercise machine. Bending of legs in the exercise machine, lying on a stomach. Leg extention sitting. Draft of the horizontal block on shoulders. Thirst of the horizontal block for a breast. Twisting on a press in an inclination. Kardio (10–15 minutes). Extension (5 minutes). |
The program is calculated on visit of the hall 3 times a week. It is necessary to carry out each exercise (except kardio, extensions) 15–18 times. Number of approaches: 3–4. A respite between exercises: one or one and a half minutes. Rest between approaches: 40 seconds. |
2 |
Any kardio up to 30 minutes. Giperekstenziya. Squat with dumbbells. Attacks with pancakes (or dumbbells). Press legs lying on the vertical platform. Draft of the top block for the head. Costing cultivation of hands with dumbbells. Dumbbell press with a support on a bench. Push-up in a graviton. Raising of legs vertical. Twisting. Kardio (10 minutes). Extension (5 minutes). |
3 |
Kardio (up to 30 minutes). Giperekstenziya with burdening. Squat of a plie from dumbbells. The return attacks in Smith's exercise machine. Romanian stanovy draft. Raising of dumbbells on a biceps. Thirst of the top block for a breast. Pullings up by the wide successful fellow. Pullings up of legs in hanging. Twisting on a press. Kardio (15 minutes). Extension (5 minutes). |
The program for a week for a set of muscle bulk |
1 |
Warm-up. Giperekstenziya. Twisting on a press. Squat with a bar. Attacks with dumbbells. Push-ups by the wide successful fellow. The data and cultivation of hands in the butterfly exercise machine. Press of dumbbells each hand alternately. Draft of the top block for the head. Extension. |
Podhodov: 3–4. Repetitions in approach: 6–12. The mass of weighting compounds needs to be determined with the trainer. Rest between approaches: 2 minutes. Rest between exercises: 1 minute. |
2 |
Warm-up. Giperekstenziya. Raising of legs to a breast. Stanovy draft. Attacks with dumbbells (or in Smith's exercise machine). Press of a bar lying. Cultivation of dumbbells in the parties. Push-ups or pullings up by the wide successful fellow. Twisting. Extension. |
3 |
Warm-up. Twisting. Squats with dumbbells. Attacks scissors with dumbbells. Costing a press of a bar from a breast. Thirst of a bar for a chin. Draft of the horizontal block. Draft of the top block narrow hold. Pullover with dumbbells. Extension. |
For the purpose of weight loss it is also possible to choose a circuit training which assumes continuous performance at the fast rate of the following exercises:
- draft of the top block for shoulders;
- leg extention on the exercise machine;
- thirst of the lower block for a belt in a sitting position, narrow hold;
- squat scissors;
- extension of hands on a triceps;
- raising of dumbbells alternately on a biceps with a supination;
- twisting on a press.
After you do all above-mentioned exercises one time, it is necessary to undergo around them for the second and third time, increasing repetitions of each exercise at most to 20 times.
Whether you know? 15 minutes of jumps with a jump rope can replace one hour of run. The fact is that according to biomechanics, run is a series of jumps after a push of one leg. Jumping with a jump rope, you involve both legs, respectively, in muscles of a shin of both legs at one time are reduced and also circular motions in joints of shoulders are made.
Rules of trainings in gym
That occupations were effective and resulted in desirable result, girls need to follow the following rules:
- Together with the trainer make the plan of occupations and do not break it, visit the hall on a system, several times a week.
- Before occupation surely do warm-up.
- Carrying out exercises, adhere to the uniform slow speed (you should not rise slowly and fast breakthrough to fall down) and an order of exercises.
- Surely adhere to healthy nutrition.
- Drink more water: for one training it is necessary to drink one liter of usual still water.
- As different trainers adhere to the different systems of trainings, the first half a year it is better to go to the same expert that the organism had no stress or overfatigue from change of systems.
- Delayed onset muscle soreness after the occupation — it is normal, however it should not be shown by severe pains in muscles. At most is a weak pobalivaniye of muscles at which you with little effort can be engaged. To train, overcoming severe pains, it is impossible at all.
- The first occupations in the hall have to last about an hour and repeat 2–3 times a week. It is necessary to increase duration and frequency of trainings not earlier, than in 3 months of the systematized occupations.
When to wait for the first results
At correctly made plan of occupations, its responsible performance and provided that you watch the diet, it is possible to wait for visible results of trainings in 8 weeks. However it is important to girls to prepare itself for the fact that for such period of time the organism adapts to loadings, gets used to the made mode, and progress stops. Most of experienced experts recommend to change the plan of occupations of times in several months.
Learn, than are useful to the woman of occupation yoga.
The sport has to be an integral part of life of each girl who seeks to have not only a good figure, but also excellent health. It is possible only if the plan of occupations in the hall is made competently and according to physiological features of a female body.