Sport and pregnancy

Sport and pregnancy

Many girls, having learned about the pregnancy, especially if it the first, begin to build the behavior thus as if at them found the serious disease. It is necessary to be more careful, but also you shouldn't give up exercise stresses, childbirth is too the peculiar exercise stress for which the organism has to be well prepared.

The water aerobics as water has property of regulation of body temperature is very useful to pregnant women. In water it is impossible to make any abrupt movements and also it is impossible to overheat or overcool. Also ordinary occupations are welcomed by aerobics, just during them it is worth observing extra caution to exclude the possibility of falling and kicks. The yoga is useful to those who there is a wish to learn to breathe correctly that is very important during childbirth. Run is admissible only within one hour a day, it is no more. If to place emphasis on jog, then it has to take place in such pace that it was possible to talk quietly and at the same time not to feel the otdyshka. If suddenly during jog became hot, it is better to make the respite: to sit or just to walk at quiet pace. Also nobody cancels the cycling. You shouldn't ride the bicycle where there are many roughnesses and obstacles.At pregnancy it is impossible to refuse usual foot walks at all. It is better to walk in parks, squares and zones where least of all exhaust gases and if walk dropped out on summertime of year, then you shouldn't get under the influence of direct sunshine. On an equal basis with water aerobics it is possible to consider swimming. Pay special attention to the protection against any vaginal infections. To avoid similar it is necessary to use the tampon. It is impossible to refuse professional works by sport at all if these occupations took place to be before pregnancy. Their continuation to five-months term is quite real, it is only a little in the facilitated mode.

However there are also those sports which are strictly forbidden during pregnancy. To it it is possible to refer driving on skis and skates, rollers, playings tennis, badminton, golf, windsurfing. Such occupations are allowed in the sparing mode for those who and before pregnancy were engaged in something from all above-mentioned. And again you shouldn't forget about care. Well and it is natural that about volleyball, basketball, diving, martial arts and parachute jumps it is necessary to forget for incubation of the child at all. Even in case took place to be professional works in these spheres. At great desire it is possible to find what will approach in this individual case and not to stop playing sports in general.

It is worth remembering that inside one more life lives and develops therefore constant respect for care won't be superfluous at all.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
