Exercises on the horizontal bar perfectly help to develop force and agility. Having learned to be tightened, you can quite pass to development of more difficult elements demanding high concentration and coordination of movements. One of the most effective tricks which the horizontal bar allows to execute, – the so-called officer exit by force.
It is required to you
- Gymnastic horizontal bar.
1. Begin with warm-up. Make several bendings forward and in the parties. Execute circular spins by hands. To prepare the shoulder girdle and the back for loading, it is also recommended to make several twisting of the case to the right and to the left, helping itself hands. Properly warm up also hands. It is possible to finish warm-up usual pullings up on the horizontal bar.
2. Master the exit to one hand from the provision of the hang. For this purpose execute usual pulling up with the average grip that the chin was slightly higher than the bar level, and then short breakthrough remove the elbow of the right hand up. Repeat the element several times to gain steady skill of the exit to one hand. Perhaps, it will be more convenient to you to perform this exercise with accent not on right, and on the left hand.
3. You pass to turn working off. Execute the exit to one hand that it formed "tag". Unhook the brush of the second hand and deploy the case so that to be the back to the horizontal bar. Be intercepted by the free hand for the horizontal bar behind yourself. The elbow of other hand has to be in the top situation all the time, don't dare to fall down in the provision of the hang.
4. Now straighten both hands behind the back, with the force having tightened the basin to the bar level. As a result you will be in situation the back to the horizontal bar on the hands which are completely extended behind. It is also the officer exit. To make performance of exercise by simpler, try at arm stretching at the exit to cross the case a little forward and to cave in in the back.
5. Work the officer exit on elements, being guided by the principle - from simple to difficult. When each part of the power complex accurately turns out, pay attention to working off of sheaves between separate elements. It is also recommended to master the exit in both parties, using both the right, and left hand. Be not confused if it is from the first accurate to execute the power complex at you it didn't turn out. What you will make the bigger number of repetitions, especially smooth, effective and spectacular will look the officer exit.