What you should not tell the man about

What you should not tell the man about

When people enter the romantic relations, they share all the thoughts and experiences. Try to recognize each other as it is possible better. Quite often at the same time the woman loses sense of proportion and control, begins to devote the partner in those things which it is better to leave at itself. Men are suited differently, than women not to lose the relation and the partner, it is necessary to be provident and to think what you speak about.


1. Never you speak about former if you, of course, had them. You should not report their quantity and as long you were with someone and also to devote the partner in intimate details or to compare.

2. Do not discuss also with the man of his relatives, especially mother. You should not speak badly, keep silent better.

3. You should not condemn in the presence of the elect of other men. You do not speak badly about men, your partner can think, as you can also tell about him then.

4. Do not give compliments to other men in the presence of the and do not flatter others. Jealousy not the best feeling which can be caused at the same time. You can also cause feeling of inferiority in the partner.

5. You should not start also constantly purely women's conversations about varnish, fashion, cellulitis and shopping. If you do not want to bother the partner, just reduce talk of this sort to a minimum. On these subjects it is quite possible to talk also to the girlfriend.

6. You should not devote the man in all details of campaigns to the doctor, especially women's. A certain awareness in this question, of course, is necessary, but you should not light all details.

7. The most important that each woman has to remember, it is moderation and relevance. Depending on the level of the relations of a subject and their depth can be different. Each person has the need for a talk and the interests. Be just attentive to the partner and observe balance.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
