Aromas very strongly influence the person. Smells can excite, lighten the mood, load with energy, enhance inclination to the partner, promote relaxation and so on. The special magic of aromas is capable to help to draw attention and to fascinate the man.
The special pheromones which are contained in various aromas can cause sexual desire and influence emergence of strong feelings. Scientists hold the opinion that on fast love for the person smells make impact. Certainly, the leader among other options is the natural, natural smell of a body of the woman, however not only similar is capable to wake up feelings. What aromas should be chosen to women to seduce the attractive man?
Top-5 aromas about which the man it is crazy
- In spite of the fact that this smell very sweet, it extremely strongly excites. That the proximity with the partner was sensual and bright, the woman should use spirits with similar aroma. Besides, vanilla positively influences production of hormones of love and happiness in a human body. It is not only aphrodisiac, but also an excellent natural anti-stress.
- Cinnamon and coffee. Such combination of aromas can seem to the woman rather sharp and strong, however this mix smoothly affects men, rivets their attention. Coffee installs feeling of confidence, its aroma invigorates and returns forces, takes off fatigue. The smell of cinnamon excites, it accelerates the movement of blood in a body.
- Light citrus aromas with sweetish notes. Smells of tangerines or oranges lighten the mood, increase amount of endorphins. Young guys are especially greedy for such tasty crape.
- This aroma usually almost inaudible, very unostentatious, but men sensitively react to it. It strengthens feelings, literally hypnotizes. The woman from whom will smell of an incense will not remain without male attention.
- Lavender and patchouli. It is one more bewitching mix which is capable to make conceited even to the most unapproachable man. Patchouli in this case acts as a pleasant bonus, easy addition to the main lavender aroma. A lavender, dominating, enhances sexual inclination and excitement, affects male potency positively. Besides, she perfectly weakens, distracts from everyday problems, grants a romantic spirit.
10 additional options of smells to attract the man
- Jasmine
- Ylang-ylang
- Sweet smells of fancy bread and pastries
- Sea fresh aromas
- Forest smells. Usually very much attracts men to women from whom almost indistinctly smells of coniferous trees and wet foliage.
- Rose
- This aroma adjusts the man on a sensual, intimate harmony.
- Sandal-wood tree. If the woman wants to look especially sexy in the opinion of her beloved, then it is worth choosing for this purpose santalaceous smell. However it is necessary to treat it accurately as aroma this rather strong and spicy, from it can be turned the head.
- Nutmeg