The first appointment – what needs to be known?

The first appointment – what needs to be known?

On the one hand, it is difficult to overestimate importance of the first appointment, and with another - you should not treat it, as a fatal interview for a vacant post of all your life. It will prevent to be natural and easy. Gathering for an appointment, pay attention to several moments.

Constrain yourself in manifestation of sympathies for the man. The neutrality and some care are capable to create the interesting mysterious image awakening imagination of your interlocutor. While infinite hints on fatigue from loneliness and stories about own insolvency in respect of the relations with an opposite sex, on the contrary, are capable to frighten off any.

Men are conservatives. They are frightened off by the shouting colors, unusual accessories. You have to be dressed first of all appropriate. If the appointment is made in the country, then the sports style will approach; at restaurant – a dress, a clutch and graceful shoes; if in the evening after work – business clothes.

The first appointment – not time for experiments therefore stop on a tidy natural hairstyle, an imperceptible make-up, do not put on provocative clothes, too short skirts, a deep decollete and do not use unchecked perfume.

It is not accepted to be full, as well as consumption of beer, hard alcoholic drinks. It is better to stop on light meal, salad, a main course without a garnish and to fault. Do not try to order the most expensive or cheap in the menu, adhere to golden mean. You should not go into details of the diet, better make an exception - if you came to a pizzeria, eat a pizza piece.

Switch-off the mobile phone, you do not look at the watch, your task is to learn more about the man. Therefore give it the chance to prove, and to the heart - to make a choice.

Men are owners. Any reminders that their object of interest met someone else are deeply capable to wound. Therefore, for certain, a talk about your "former" will be unpleasant to it. Also not the best subjects are problems, misunderstanding, diseases, etc. It is better to talk on abstract subjects: about a hobby, weather, city news. The more you listen, the you make the best impression.

How there took place the first meeting, once internal feelings trust also in the choice not of reason, and heart.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
