If to look round around, then it is possible to see the mass of lonely women. And all of them are different. From those which turned into the most ordinary aunts, to plunged entirely into ensuring the attractiveness. Among them there are also successful, taken place in career women and who are hardly making ends meet. Nevertheless, they are united by one – loneliness, lack of the stable relations and love. What is told by men about such women? And why do not seek to build with them the relations?
1. They do not love life, are not able to rejoice even to small pleasant events. Their dominating mood is painted in faded, gray tone. They radiate grief and grief, bore. From them you hear complaints, complaints, discontent more often. At them always "everything is bad" or "in any way". And almost does not happen "perfectly", "great", "cool", "abruptly". They are not capable to admire something, to be surprised to something, to admire. They are not able to derive pleasure from life. They are dissatisfied with everyone and everything. They are dissatisfied also with all people around. From them it is seldom possible to hear approving statements in someone's address. But critics, abuses, ridiculings of others they exhale with interest.
2. Being eternal everything dissatisfied, they take offense at any trifles and in the relations. Did not congratulate on a holiday, not so looked at the girl passing by, not that tone asked about something, etc. They always put emphases on negative events in the relations, at the same time without giving any importance, and, sometimes, and depreciating pleasant. From here at them there is a lot of suspiciousness, mistrust to men, unreasonable jealousy and claims.
3. They do not love themselves. They constantly dig in themselves, criticize themselves, look for in themselves shortcomings, considering, sometimes, unworthy to be favourite. They very much like to stay in an image of the unfortunate and pathetic woman beaten by vital injustice. Concentrated entirely on the problems, they do not pay attention to those which the man shares with them, do not give it support and understanding, empathy.
4. They are exacting to the man excessively. They stand on a position "he is obliged only because they are men". At the same time something is not found it to be given in exchange necessary. Many of them argue in a context "I give it the beauty, youth, sex …".
5. They are boring, there is nothing to talk to them except how to discuss problems at work, in family, the former men, girlfriends, neighbors, etc. They are not capable to be a source new, interesting, fascinating, informative. They do not develop and development of la of the man is not a source. You will never receive the standing council in any question because they are guided only by emotions from them, and mainly negatively painted.
6. They do not show an initiative in the relations, without being in its waiting mode from the man. They do not give to the man the chance to feel necessary, desired, interesting. On the contrary, create feeling that are not interested in the relations with it. The man, it seems, as him is also not necessary. And if from them the initiative also proceeds, then, most often, in a format of reproaches "Why you do not call me? You constantly have no time for me …".
7. They are excessively independent, all can make. They do not give to the man the chance to show about them care, to help with some questions. Sometimes it is followed by a female position "men are not capable to make it better than the woman". And even if they accept the help from the man, then their problems and difficulties is a never-ending stream with which to cope the man despairs because … (see item 1).
8. They are constantly busy with something, on the man there is no time. Work, children, house efforts, hobby, girlfriends … The man has a feeling that they superfluous in her life, there is no place in its intense schedule for it. Communication with it happens by the residual principle.
Of course, each lonely woman has not all, but separate qualities practically. And if you found them in yourself, then, maybe, to you is what to think of?