How to understand on his eyes

How to understand on his eyes

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Often at communication with the man you very much want to learn what he thinks of what he wants to tell about, but for some reason is silent whether he plays with you, or you, really, are pleasant to it, etc. Yes, in a conversation there are many not sounded questions, opinions, unclear hints and mysterious views. And here pay attention to a look. It can tell about the interlocutor before that begins to make any acts in relation to you. In this case it will be a question of a men's look.


1. Fluency of a look. If the man looks at you abruptly, tries to turn away or look down in a floor, then it can mean that he you hesitates, confused a little to be with you nearby, does not know what to tell, - in a word, you are pleasant to it. But the abrupt look can speak not only about it. It is quite possible that slightly uncertain and superficial look speaks about frivolous intentions of the man in relation to you. Just it has no need to look at you too often and to detain long on you the look.

2. Frown. Such eyes can say that the man is spitefully ready that he for something to be angry with you and that you, perhaps, irritate him with the behavior or communication. At such look try to soften a situation by change of a subject, or it is better to finish a conversation not to provoke the conflict.

3. The accented look. Pay attention to where the man most often looks. If his look for a long time lingers on your eyes, the person, hair, hands, then, certainly, you are pleasant to such man. If he constantly focuses the attention standing, breasts, then, most likely, it likes your figure, but not you are.

4. Thoughtful look. If the man at communication with you continuously looks in one point, and, and, does it quite often, then it demonstrates that the person thoughts is somewhere in other place, but not with you. It is frequent still can be followed by inattention, unreasonable forgetfulness and silly confusion.

5. Smiling look. When the man at the sight of you begins to smile, and together with him also his eyes smile, it is quite possible that he is ready for flirtation, and communication with you brings to it it is a pleasure.

6. Pupils. Psychologists claim that pupils of eyes at the person - the most important indicator of temperament. Than the pupil is wider, that the man is more weakened at present, quiet and benevolent. If the pupil is quite often narrowed, - means, the man is excited, aggressive and restless.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
