Most of us at school did not learn correctness of the speech or we just did not attach significance to this aspect at early age. In adulthood a question how to learn it is beautiful to talk, it becomes frequent one of important tasks.
How to learn to talk correctly?
Art of the correct speech – science which was comprehended by the young men who are going to become governors, senators and leaders, since ancient times. Presently the correct competent speech has not smaller value for career and achievement of success. Even if you have no talent of the speaker, it is possible to learn art of rhetoric independently or by means of professional teachers.
To understand how to learn to talk competently, culturally and correctly, it is important to pay attention to three aspects of the speech:
- Diction – one of the defining elements of the speech which includes not only a manner and clearness of pronunciation of sounds, but breath. Professional leaders and actors have such concept as speech breath, it is developed by means of special exercises. A great way of development of diction are tongue twisters. It is possible to hear own shortcomings of pronunciation, having written down any text read aloud on a dictophone. When comparing with the speech of radio or the TV host it is possible to define weaknesses.
- Increase in a lexical stock – contents of the speech in many respects depends on the number of words with which you can freely operate. It is possible to fill up a lexicon and to improve technology of the speech by means of reading literature or regular viewing scientific, popular scientific programs and movies.
- Overcoming constraint – one of important psychological factors of communication. But as it is possible to learn to talk to people, having feeling awkwardness. For overcoming fear of communication try, to communicate as much as possible strangers. Elementary – ask time or the road on the street. Well trainings before the visualized public or in front of the mirror help.
For elimination of aspiration or the shortage of air at fluent speech the experts advise simple reception – squat or jump through a jump rope, at the same time aloud quickly pronouncing the poem. At the same time everyone prisest or the jump has to coincide with a text syllable. It is necessary to begin with moderate speed, gradually bringing it to a maximum.