To the man in the head the thought can sometimes creep in that his wife changes him. Sometimes such suspicions are groundless. But happens and so that the man appears the rights. Not to torment in vain the second half with interrogations and cavils, once you learn, to define the wife changes or not.
1. First of all, at emergence in the woman someone on the party, it begins to limit the personal space sharply. At such moments in the cell phone there is a password, all messages and the magazine of calls are erased. Besides, the husband can notice that the wife, speaking by phone, to seek to be closed in other room.
2. If the wife began to pay to the appearance more attention or in general decided to replace the clothes, to recolour hair and to do new hair, then most likely it wants to be irresistible for the lover.
3. One of signs of emergence in the woman of other man is suddenly arisen causeless jealousy from its party. It would seem, the woman on the contrary has to grow cold to the husband, but in this case plays feeling of property. Especially often the person who decided to start someone on the party begins to project the behavior on behavior of the second half.
4. It is worth paying attention and to changes in intimate life. At the woman having the lover, the inclination to the husband descends on "no". Also there are various excuses from occupations love.
5. The wife can begin to move away from the husband. If earlier, coming home, spouses discussed last day, shared problems and impressions, then now the wife behaves is closed, thoughtfully and silently. Can even begin to avoid a talk and to try to remain in the room alone.
6. If the wife had new hobbies and hobbies forcing it to leave for a long time the house, then it also is an occasion to think whether the wife changes. Not an exception are also frequent meetings with girlfriends, delays at work and also personal records in which the wife does not want to devote the husband.
7. At emergence in the lover's woman, tender words and attention to the husband vanish. She begins to treat all actions of the second half absolutely neutrally. She is not irritated any more by the socks scattered on the house, a sit-round gathering with friends in a garage and viewing another football match. Awful scandals what was not earlier, begin when the wife makes the exact decision to leave the husband and to leave to the lover.
8. When the wife has a lover, she can periodically not answer calls from the husband and also forbid it to meet her after work. At the wife the desire to leave with the husband the house in shop or just on walk vanishes.
9. When the wife changes, she will read to grow cold also to different pleasant surprises and gifts, made the husband. They do not cause in her joy and gloss in eyes any more.