If you want to attract attention muzhchiny-Kozeroga, you need to get acquainted with features of this zodiac sign, so you will be able to define tactics of behavior and methods of seduction of this man. The capricorn is a sign of the earth. Typical lines of the people belonging to these elements - judiciousness, tranquility, diligence.
1. The character of the Capricorn is firm and practical. Romantic manifestations are alien to it, he does not like to parade the feelings. Therefore, trying to interest him, it is necessary to be the most observant, to thinly feel how he reacts to your society whether eyes when he looks at you whether you are pleasant to it light up at it.
2. The capricorn since early youth seeks for creation of family. He wants the serious, strong relations. Fleeting novels and communications for one night do not attract him. Therefore, frivolous, light-headed, too coquettish girls do not interest him. In an opposite sex he looks for purity, fidelity, modesty, sincerity and also ability to submit. If it seems to you that you lack virtuous qualities, it is possible to stop safely all trying to get to fall in love the Capricorn.
3. At muzhchiny-Kozeroga though closed, but strong-willed character. These people of much try to obtain in life, often take places of heads. Naturally, such man needs the companion for whom he will be always on the first place. Future wife Kozeroga has to care for it, support, create for it the favorable atmosphere for life.
4. Malchiki-Kozerogi are attached to the mothers. They carry by this attachment through all life. If you want to attach to yourself the man, surround him with maternal care and also maintain good relations with his family - for the Capricorn it very important.
5. In spite of the fact that muzhchina-Kozerog it is serious, closed in itself and is silent, it has an excellent sense of humour. He easily communicates and finds a common language with people. It has, as a rule, many friends. If the Capricorn acquaints you with them, know, he has to you serious feelings.
6. Representatives of this zodiac sign, perhaps, the most faithful companions of life from all other signs. They will never begin to build the relations without strong, sincere feelings, and being in the relations, will not stare at other women. They wait for exclusive fidelity also from the darlings. Capricorns are owners, they will not tolerate in the relations of deception and unfaithfulness.
7. In a bed such men not always aspire to innovations. But if the woman takes the initiative, they will not begin to resist and will derive pleasure. Therefore it is necessary to please darling with sexual surprises. It will even more enhance his spiritual affection for you.