How to force the guy not to change

How to force the guy not to change

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Unfaithfulness – quite frequent phenomenon in the relations which entered a stage of a habit and stability. Men by the nature are more inclined to polygamy therefore many girls have a question "How to Force the Guy Not to Change?" sooner or later. And the first answer is the fact that it is impossible to force something to do anybody or not to do. It is necessary to approach the solution of this question by means of less obvious, but more effective methods.


1. Do not formulate the task as "To induce the guy or the young man something to do" as it assumes aggressive or power actions which nothing finally can achieve. Hysterics, threats, scandals, perhaps, some time will constrain your young man from unfaithfulness, but soon he will want not only to change, but also to leave you even if before it had also no thoughts of other women.

2. If you consider that your guy can begin to change, perhaps, put not only in him, the relations are under construction two people. Just, as a rule, men are more inclined to freedom and they are quickly bothered by monotony and the bored feelings. Bring a variety your relations, learn to be tolerant, show more attention. That the guy did not change you, it is only possible to change your behavior, but to force it it will not turn out. Be interested in its habits, interests. Respect his friends and do not forbid to meet them. At all it is impossible to forbid anything to the young man, also, as it is necessary to force to change, he has rights. The relations have to be under construction on mutual trust.

3. Be not jealous – do not arrange hysterics, scandals, a showdown. So you will only be tired of the relations, and it will find to itself(himself) the woman who will not fray to it nerves. Show your interest in it better, admire of Jealousy it is possible to show, but moderately, in the form of a joke.

4. Take care of the own life, find for yourself more time – it is more difficult to beautiful and well-groomed girl to change. Raise the self-assessment, it is quite possible that the reason of your fears about treason consists in it. Try to describe yourself only from the best side, remember all the advantages – both character, and appearance. Be always quiet, you can sometimes show indifference, inaccessibility to force the man to feel the hunter.

5. In many cases of the woman are guilty of unfaithfulness as their behavior leads to the fact that they cease to be appreciated. Reconsider your outlooks on life and the relations. If these ways did not yield the necessary results, refuse the relations which bring you pain.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
