How to fill out the marriage contract

How to fill out the marriage contract

The official marriage contract - at all not an element of "bourgeois" western life which is initially calling into question bases of the concept "marriage". It is more likely result of market relationship which forces modern men and women to adapt to features of life.

1. It should be notedIt should be noted that the official marriage contract certified at the notary, having the right to regulate only property vzaimotnosheniye of both parties which resorted to his conclusion without concerning at all and without violating their personal non-property rights, the rights concerning children or each other. So, any in the world the contract cannot force the husband and the wife to fall in love with each other, to be loyal or lead absolutely a healthy lifestyle. Often papers of this sort establish only those proportions in which the property will be divided in case of the unsuccessful end of marriage, mutual personal duties concerning various type of payments, periods of validity of various agreements.

2. When filling the marriage contract avoid reductions and incomplete statement of information to observe formality of the act. So, the woman has to specify not only full date of birth, the place, nationality, and in the presence of double - both, but also a maiden name and also all details of the documents confirming its change (certificates on marriages, stains and so forth). Spouses are obliged to specify whether they have in dependence relatives: children, aged parents and so forth to list significant financial obligations (for example, earlier obtained and open mortgage loans)

3. Decide on the number of sections of your contract. They will depend directly on those aspects which you plan to regulate.

4. Spouses have full authority to sign the documents both right after entry into official marriage, and in many years of joint life. The similar mutual agreement they can discuss features of the budget, define how their expenses on time or on extent of participation in the general purchases will be distributed. Husbands and wives can stipulate a possibility of keeping of each other, extent of individual share in the property bought, inherited or presented within the union and so forth.

5. The contract of the spouse have full authority to regulate the mode and an order of use of property in case of future divorce, to define what its part will go to satisfactions of the current needs of their children. At the same time the document will work both for already bought, and for the real estate which acquisition is just planned.

6. It is necessary to add that any of paragraphs of the marriage agreement should not reduce capacity of the person, infringe on the interests of children, call into question economic advantage of the agreement for one of the parties. Any contract cannot nullify a possibility of the incapacitated spouse to demand the contents from the second half or to forbid the husband or the wife to address to official bodies of the power behind protection of the interests or with requirements to pay alimony.

7. Establish period of validity of the document. The term of life of the contract is caused by the time frames stipulated in it (for example, can proceed also after cancellation of the relations) and comes to an end only together with its official cancellation by mutual consent or death of the legal husband.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
