Still yesterday you also could not live day the friend without friend, and now the relations became cool. It is not clear what is behind male dispassionateness – threat of a gap or just fatigue. What to do to check feelings?
1. Even the unions perfect at first sight endure the take-off and falling. Perhaps, at you there came the temporary period of cooling, you should not panic. Consider a situation in all its aspects, try to be objective.
2. What provokes your doubts in feelings of the husband? He ceased to give flowers, is late in the evenings, output will see off with friends? Make sure thatMake sure that your alarms are not far-fetched. Let's tell if the husband at work has an intense period, he needs to spend there more time, and your jealousy has under itself no real basis.
3. Ask the husband to help you about the house, involve in family affairs. Whether long ago he was interested in school estimates of the son? Perhaps, you undertake too much, and it was eliminated not to prevent you to be main. Let it know that you need care and attention, then its attitude towards you will become obvious.
4. Spend together days off, arrange a romantic weekend. These days you will not be prevented by daily cares. On mood of the husband, his behavior and even how he will apprehend this offer, you will be able to understand a lot of things. The loving person is always ready to recover feelings, having put aside problems.
5. Resort to small cunning. Organize a party in the company of friends, by all means be together with the spouse there. Let old acquaintances will observe you. Whether will seem to them that your relations became more reserved? Sometimes third-party judgments bring a lot of useful information which the person cannot just notice.
6. Nevertheless the best way to check feelings is to ask about them directly. Tell that you are tormented by doubts and suspicions, and you do not want to cope with them alone. You anyway can expect frankness of the spouse, together you will overcome the difficult period, marriage is expensive to both of you.