When people marry, they hope that they will keep the happiness and love during all life. But sometimes someone interferes with the relations of couple the third, and then in family serious problems begin.
1. Before taking any actions, be convinced that the husband really brought the mistress. Track his behavior. If he for the period of phone call leaves the room, began to spend often days off allegedly "with friends", is late after work, is not interested in family problems - most likely, he was fond of other woman. But everything precisely can clear only straight talk. Use cunning and tell that you were called by the unfamiliar girl and admitted in connection with the spouse. Look how he will behave. If it is quiet, will tell that it is someone's joke, he loves only you, then, most likely, the competitor seemed to you. And if begins to justify itself, row, shout that he was set up, etc., so the reason for experiences really is.
2. After the conversation do not make quick decisions. If you want to keep family - it is necessary to work thinly. Pretend that believed the husband about absence of the competitor. And think why blessed went "on the left". Most likely, you strongly changed after the wedding - relaxed, grew stout, ceased to look after yourself. You do not suit pleasant surprises any more and are not interested that at the husband at heart. This inattention to itself and lack of interest in the partner also pushed the spouse on adventures. To return it to family, you should exchange completely. To become the ideal woman - beautiful, harmonious, sexual, well-groomed, demanded, careful, not indifferent. Having seen your transformation, the husband will surely return to family.
3. You should not call the competitor and to make scandal. To anything good it will not lead. She will surely tell the husband about it. He will become angry, and it is more on himself, for the fact that could not hide the campaigns. And this rage will push him to serious decisions. Or he will remain in family, having decided that better than the wife there is nobody. Or will leave to another, having understood what cannot remain with the spouse any more. If you are not sure of the forces, do not let know to the competitor that you know about her. When you change, the conversation with it is not required, the husband himself will break off these relations.