How to achieve trust of the girl

How to achieve trust of the girl

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To whom is the feeling arising at a meeting with the girl of the dream unfamiliar? It both the giving-away legs, and the heart fighting in a mad rhythm. Its fleeting glimpse causes hope and lightens the mood for all day. You are secretly in love and dream to subdue it, but for this purpose it it is necessary to win, achieve mutual understanding and trust at first.


1. First of all understand that there is nothing impossible. It is possible to achieve trust and to subdue any girl, irrespective of religion, nationality, financial position and appearance. Only it is necessary to want and undertake strongly it everything for achievement of the purpose.

2. At first it is necessary to come into contact with the girl of the dream, that is to find a reason for communication. Approach it with a question, ask to explain something or to tell, but be not excessively persuasive as it frightens off. If from the first it did not turn out, at once do not do the second attempt, wait several days.

3. Allow it to see your best sides. In each of men there lives silent, timid, pretentious and "frayed by life" a person. The problem is in finding those qualities which are combined with character of the interesting girl. All have the special way of communication: lexicon, speech speed, intonation. And to establish relation, it is necessary to try "to otzerkalivat" its qualities, that is to reflect them. Pay attention to its gesticulation during communication and try to study it and to repeat. If it practically does not move hands, then and you try not to do it.

4. Without trust no relations can be at all therefore try to be always sincere and extremely honest. You should not stint compliments, but consider that they have to be always appropriate. Do not admire her slim figure if it is plump as the girl will understand at once that you just flatter it, and interest in you will be lost. In each person is what to admire, find its advantages and you praise them, in it there is no deception or falseness at all. Never you say what you do not trust in in hearing. Do not make the decision for it even if she completely trusts you, surely be interested in her opinion. Making promises, always carry out them. If you are honest, then at it it will be simple the bases to trust you.

5. However if you want to achieve trust which was once lost, then it is possible to make it only acts, that is always to keep promises and always to do what you tell.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
