What steel for what is applied

What steel for what is applied

Steel is widely applied in production of devices, tools, details of cars, aircraft, building constructions today. This material received such popularity thanks to a complex mechanical, physical and chemical and technologicheskikhsvoystvo.


1. Ways of production of steel changed and improved throughout centuries. Today really relevant are converter and electrosteel-smelting ways, the special martin reflective furnace consigns to the past.

2. Steel has a set of brands, but there are two main categories - it is the elite alloyed steel into which composition enter one or several elements, such as nickel, chrome, molybdenum. and usual carbonaceous in which there are no improving additives.

3. The alloyed steel — the queen of technical progress. By production of similar steel the elements giving to final material special characteristics, physical or chemical are added to raw materials.

4. With molybdenum addition still the Japanese Samurais did amazingly sharp, strong swords of steel. Today for production of knives of different function use vanadium additives, and production shafts, bolts for difficult fastenings, cogwheels on units are made of steel with chrome addition. Special additives and additional training allow to create from alloyed staly the cutting tool intended for high-speed work on production.

5. Most often in the industry tool brands of the alloyed staly for production of a hire of a different type or specialized tools for processing of metal products both in the cooled-down state are used, and at high temperatures (mills, drills, disks, forms).

6. The special high-alloyed types of steel with a set of special additives apply in samoleto- and shipbuilding, at production of boilers as such material has the increased thermal stability, resistance to external influences and is not subject to corrosion.

7. Many details of the car and habitual food stainless steel in life from which modern ware — too a kind of this material is made are made of steel of the improved quality.

8. Carbon steel. Rather inexpensive production caused universal use of steel of a similar type in life, at production of the tool experiencing moderate strain. Reinforced concrete structures, grids and protections, nails, self-tapping screws, a wire of different function are made of carbon steel.

9. Water pipes for which similar metal was also used began to replace with more modern options actively in recent years. Unfortunately, the similar type of steel rusts and requires care and special processing. But this material easily gives in to welding and is everywhere applied in construction.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
