Pulling up - exercise which is carried out practically by any athlete. Even at school it is considered one of obligatory in the general physical training. If regularly to play sports and to include in the program of pulling up, to make an upper body of more expressive. Besides, pullings up help to strengthen the immune system, especially, if to carry out this exercise in the fresh air.
It is the best of all to begin to be tightened on a horizontal crossbeam. It can have a different design, but for a start horizontal will approach. At the beginning of exercise it is necessary to hang so that hands were in the extended family way and to bring up itself up to that time, so far they not to be bent in elbows. The chin should be pulled to a crossbeam. Do not forget to breathe correctly when performing exercise, it will facilitate process and will yield bigger result. If you are engaged in pullings up on a horizontal bar and study what muscles work at the same time, it is important to know, muscles of hands and a back give in to the greatest loading. If desired to pump over other group of muscles, it is enough to change types of successful fellows, for example, for increase in load of bicepses it is necessary to be tightened by a reverse grip.
The muscles working at pulling up
Being tightened, the person loads shoulder and elbow joints, but initially the person loading arrives on a brush, muscles of forearms for capture for a crossbeam. It is very important to strengthen muscles of the top part of a trunk to the people leading a sedentary life - work at office. It is relevant also for people who hard work physically.
At pulling up, pair muscles of shoulders, a back and a humeral belt are still involved. If you are interested in a question what muscles work at pulling up, we pay your attention that intensive loading is the share of the broadest muscles of a back. They are responsible for rotation of hands in shoulders and also the movement of hands to the center of a body and back for a back.
These exercises are divided into three types, depending on:
- way of the successful fellow;
- top situation;
- width of the successful fellow.
Exists much and other types, but these are considered as the main. If to do correctly pullings up narrow direct by the successful fellow, shoulder muscles - brokhialis work. It is possible to enhance effect if to carry out exercise, having undertaken a crossbeam narrow hold. Also the aspiration to be tightened above will also positively affect. At achievement of the highest point it is necessary to do an exhalation. If to be tightened, having taken a crossbeam direct hold, loading goes on muscles of a triceps, a forearm, a back and a biceps. At pulling up by the wide successful fellow, trapeze muscles work. The correct wide hold of a crossbeam should be carried out so that hands were in elbows parallel to a crossbeam, and forearms were located at right angle to it. During study of exercise the biceps is loaded. If to take a horizontal bar narrow hold, loading goes on a biceps and the lower part of the broadest muscles of a back. Pullings up strengthen a biceps. For achievement of excellent result the athlete has to try to reach a crossbeam the lower part of a thorax. Exercise should be carried out so that shovels were strained, to try to cramp them together, to reach at the same time for a crossbeam a breast.
When performing pullings up for the head trapeze muscles, diamond-shaped and broadest muscles of a back, tricepses and bicepses work. Load of muscles depends on many factors, beginning from a design of a crossbeam and finishing with type of capture and its width.
If you only begin to be engaged, it is necessary to know the level of physical training and it can choose loading to you. Carrying out pullings up, it is possible to strengthen a back and ligaments on the similar exercise machine, applying the dosed loading.