"I want to learn to read mind!" - such idea at least once in life visited each of us. As life would become simpler, knowing we of what our interlocutor thinks! Many are sure that the ability of thought-reading is in the category of superabilities and unrealizable dreams. But actually, on light there is nothing impossible!
How to learn to read mind of people?
The logic of many vital things is quite simple. If there were no incidents, then there would be no conversation objects also. That is if people were not able to read each other mind, then nobody would know about such concept as telepathy. And it is not obligatory to have special skills to find ability to thought-reading. Many of us already did it. Just process for us happened unexpectedly, and we did not manage to realize this fact. Remember how many happened cases when in stressful or other situations in the person superabilities woke up – people began to run twice quicker, overcame any heights or began to hear some voices. All these examples prove once again that in the person the huge potential is put. The main thing is to try it in to open.
So, whether it is possible to learn to read mind and what for this purpose needs to be made? The people claiming that thought-reading – ability real, as a rule, make rather concrete recommendations about assimilation of skill of telepathy. Let's begin with the fact that thought-reading it not that other as information exchange of energy. How to learn to read mind of other people using this energy? All of us remember the well-known expression that the thought is material. That is any fruit of thought process of the person will get to a stream of energy and becomes a part of one information field. In the world there are hundreds of examples when being in different parts of the planet people had the same dream about one grandiose event which soon took place. Same also so-called prophetic dreams speak. Our task to learn to operate our consciousness and to find ability to catch from the general stream of a thought of the specific interlocutor.
Great way of how to learn to read others mind is the ability to concentrate. For this purpose there are special breathing exercises, meditation and other ways created still by ancient yogas of India. Let's sort in detail as it is possible to learn to read mind by means of someone from people close to you.
Before beginning experiments with thought-reading learn to operate the consciousness.
- Using meditation and the other weakening techniques, you have to seize ways of reduction of the consciousness in a condition of absolute rest.
- Then you will find out that even at rest the stream of your thoughts does not stop the brain continues to work. Your task is to learn to operate the thoughts. For this purpose try to create "absolute silence" in the head. Stop thinking, block all attempts of consciousness to create a thought. Over time you learn to disconnect a stream of thoughts for a long time.
As soon as you seize these skills it is possible to start the exercise:
- You will choose the room which is well protected from extraneous noises. If to trust physics, then in the closed space any our thought is capable to create a certain fluctuation of energy.
- Agree with your loved one that he will think with concentration of any event in which you participated too and which you once endured together with it. At the same time your workmate should not speak oh, what event he thinks. Also he has to settle down conveniently in a chair and not be distracted by extraneous noises. You have to settle down nearby.
- Prepare the consciousness, previously having weakened it. But do not drag out process of immersion in meditation, otherwise your partner will be tired to wait while you prepare.
- Release the thoughts and create silence in your consciousness. Try to catch what your partner in exercise thinks of. Gradually you will see fragments of some event which is not connected with your thoughts and your state. As soon as you understand that the seen images and thoughts definitely not a fruit of your imagination and proceed from where from the outside, it is possible to complete an experiment and to begin discussion of what was seen with your partner.
As a rule, similar exercise needs to be repeated several times before you learn to relax and see foreign images and to read others mind. Gradually your partner can think of anything and move away from you on more long distance.
Having mastered this exercise, you will not puzzle any more how to learn to read mind. Operate own consciousness and then you are surprised what surprising abilities the person can have.