How to choose the USB stick?

How to choose the USB stick?

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This device is used practically by all people, but such set of its options is presented at the market what to know how to choose the USB stick, will be very not superfluous. Otherwise there is a probability to face constantly its breakages and also the fact that important information should be restored.

How it is correct to choose the USB stick?

Experts recommend to pay attention to the following characteristics of this device:

  1. Memory size. According to professionals, it is necessary to pay attention to USB sticks with an indicator from 16 to 64 GB. It is an optimal variant, in it both the low price, and acceptable memory size will be integrated. Devices with a big indicator of capacity will cost too expensive, and with smaller are not convenient in use.
  2. Device cost. If you watch USB sticks, approximately equal on memory size, then it will be most reasonable to take that that is more expensive. As a rule, too cheap devices will have the low speed of work, by the way, it is almost impossible to find this technical characteristic on packing, producers often do not specify it.
  3. Case of the device. Upon purchase pay attention not to what the outer sheath is made of, and on how the socket is protected, it will help how to choose the good USB stick, and will ensure its safety in the future. Devices reckon with a cap as the most reliable, it protects the socket from moisture, dust and mechanical damages.

And here the brand of the producer is not of particular importance. Experts prefer to identify products of absolutely different companies by the brand what USB stick cannot be chosen, even. Therefore be guided by the personal wishes, but, of course, you should not buy devices of absolutely unfamiliar brand, it will hardly be qualitative, it is better to pay a little more and to get that thing which will serve really long.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
