The shops realizing sports food offer athletes the wide range of proteins which have various structure. When choosing protein cocktail first of all it is necessary to pay attention to protein percent in a product, availability of the fats and carbohydrates influencing a set of body weight. Anyway protein cocktails should be bought proceeding from the purposes.
What protein for beginners to choose?
Various proteins will be suitable for the beginning athletes. It should be noted that there is no such product which would not have shortcomings. Let's consider several groups of proteins which are in demand for beginners:
- It is made on the basis of eggs. Advantages: big percentage of methionine, good bioavailability. From minuses it is possible to allocate high cost.
- The casein protein - the fine choice for beginners as it incorporates all amino acids, does not contain lactose. Besides this product can be combined with other proteinaceous components.
- Serumal
- This product is considered universal. It can be accepted prior to occupations or after them and also for the night. Several types of protein are its part. The multicomponent protein is available in the price plan.
Correctly to choose a protein, it is necessary to pay attention, both to product contents, and to his producer. It is the best of all to give preference to popular brands. Also you should not get novelties. On himself it is better not to experiment!
How to choose a protein for a set of muscle bulk?
For a set of muscle bulk protein is necessary. For these purposes of its contents in usual food it is not enough. Especially at thermal treatment of products the most part of useful substances is destroyed that leads to reduction of nutrition value. Proteins - special food for athletes, capable to enrich their organism with protein, amino acids and minerals. Several types of protein products perfectly will be suitable for accumulation of muscle bulk: serumal, casein and geyner.
If the athlete has no allergy to lactose, then he can get a serumal concentrate. It is inexpensive, nice to the taste, enriched with amino acids. Those it is difficult for whom to gain weight are recommended to accept geyner (the products incorporating not only proteins, but also carbohydrates).
How to choose a serumal protein?
Serumal proteins are made on the basis of serum. It is subjected to filtration during which protein is released. The better serum is filtered, the more qualitative the product will turn out.
There are three types of serumal proteins, each of which has some pluses and minuses. Let's consider everyone.
- The concentrate containing from 70 to 85% of a protein. This product passed the minimum quantity of stages of cleaning. Its main advantages - the low cost, fast comprehensibility, existence in composition of amino acids. From minuses it is possible to allocate the content of the fats and carbohydrates capable to cause diarrhea.
- The isolate containing from 85 to 95% of a protein. It is the concentrate which passed a secondary stage of cleaning during which of a product carbohydrates and fats are removed. Many athletes choose this protein as its assimilation by an organism happens much quicker, it does not cause allergic reactions and diarrhea. But is more expensive than a concentrate.
- Hydrolyzate, with protein content to 95%. It is the fastest serumal protein which is not containing nutrients and various impurity. Because of the huge cost is not in demand. In most cases properties of a hydrolyzate are not necessary to the beginning athletes, those who wishes to gain muscle bulk. Its cost many times surpasses quality.