Unusual New Year's recipes

Unusual New Year's recipes

New year - a holiday special. And if suddenly in the coming year you are eager for changes, it is possible to begin these changes with a New Year's table. Perhaps, came it is time to depart from centuries-old and, undoubtedly, favourite ""Russian salads"" and ""herring under a fur coat"" and to try something unusual? As they say, as you will celebrate the New Year, so and you will spend it.

It is required to you

  • - imagination in unlimited number


1. Crunchy court shoes. We cut cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, shrimps and boiled eggs, we add a little sweet corn and greens. Slightly we sprinkle lemon juice and we fill with yogurt. We spread a ready-to-serve salad on chips.

2. One more unusual New Year's recipe - penguins from olives and cheese. Make this snack as easy as shelling pears. For this purpose dark olives, cheese, carrots and toothpicks will be necessary for you.

3. Fruit fir-tree. We take carrot and we fix it vertically on a plate. From all directions we stick in carrots of a toothpick and we string on them various fruit: grapes, kiwi, strawberry, etc.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
