How to make black bread

How to make black bread

In Ancient Russia, black bread was country food. Peasants baked black bread in house conditions only from rye flour. Later the number of recipes and composition of ingredients for baking of black bread considerably extended. Following further detailed instructions, you easily will be able to make black bread independently.

It is required to you

  • 200 g of wheat flour;
    • 275 g of rye flour;
    • 25 g of a blues;
    • 1 tsps of salt;
    • 260 g of a natural yoghourt;
    • 40 g of yeast;
    • 40 g of margarine;
    • 30 g of hazelnuts;
    • 20 g of pistachio nuts;
    • 50 g of seeds of a sunflower;
    • oat flakes for topping;
    • rectangular shape on 1.5 liters.


1. Mix wheat and rye flour and also a rye middlings and salt in a bowl. Part yogurt and the crushed yeast in 100 ml of warm water. In metal ware kindle and cool margarine to room temperature.

2. Mix with ware with flour and bran the divorced yeast and the kindled margarine. Knead an elastic dough from the received mix, cover it with fabric, put to the warm place.

3. Crush all nuts, except sunflower seeds. Mix nuts with a small amount of flour. On the finishing table sprinkled with flour mash dough, distribute nuts on a surface of the test and knead it.

4. Create oblong long loaf and lay out in a greased form, cover from above with a brackish water and strew with oat flakes.

5. About 20 minutes dough has to approach in heat. Then bake bread in a heated-up oven at a temperature of 175 degrees not less than 55 minutes. Leave the baked loaf in shape for 5 minutes, and then accurately separate loaf from form walls, overturn on a wooden board or a lattice and cool. On it you can consider production of black bread complete.

6. Newly-baked bread doesn't need any addition in the form of paste or a garnish. If decide to diversify the recipe, then it is enough to change proportions of wheat and rye flour and also to replace nuts or their part with fruit, berries or candied fruits.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
