To have opportunity to crackle juicy zelenets in the middle of June, at first grow up seedling of cucumbers. It is important to make so that it was not extended.
Cucumbers – old companions of farmers. It is pleasant to crackle the green juicy fruit broken from bed. As soon as possible to have such opportunity, it is necessary to grow up seedling of cucumbers at first. On such plants the harvest happens for 3-4 weeks earlier, than on those which are grown up from the seeds planted directly in soil.
Seeds inter in the discovered or closed soil when the threat of return of spring frosts passes. In midland – it is the end of May. In the same time it is possible to grow up seedling of cucumbers which will quickly yield the first harvest.
As it is correct to grow up cucumber seedling
It is important to know several rules:
1. That seedling was strong, its age when landing to the constant place has to be no more than a month. Usually it makes 20-25 days.2. Surely seeds should be planted at once in separate wide pots. This plant does not love when it is disturbed once again therefore the sword-play is excluded. Roots at cucumber grow in breadth, for this reason the pots should not be narrow. 3. The plant which is grown up at home can be extended. To avoid it, it is not necessary to create too high temperature indoors and it is necessary to observe moderation in watering. It will help to avoid pulling. Seedling will be strong, stocky and to have dark green leaves. After knowledge is gained, the theory can be embodied in practice, and occupation this fascinating. It is interesting to observe as the small sunflower seed sprouts, over time turns into bushy plant on which at first there are yellow florets, and then and green fruits.
From seeds – to fruits
Before planting seeds, they are put in piece of fine fabric, placed in light pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes to remove disputes of viral diseases. After that seeds wash out and place in flat dish where a little water is poured, hold at the room temperature day. The time of hardening of seeds has come. For this purpose the flat dish with contents is placed on the warmest shelf of the fridge for day too. Now it is possible to put sunflower seeds in separate pots, to cover them with cellophane and to remove to the warm place for germination. That seedling was not bad, was not extended, it is important to look 3 times a day (in the evening, in the morning, in the afternoon) whether have appeared from the earth of cotyledon. As soon as they became visible, put pot with plant on light windowsill.
At first seedling is grown up at +28+23 °C. At lower it can badly grow. In 3 days it is reduced to +20 °C. Then seedling will not be extended. It will be helped also by not really frequent watering. Pots humidify in process of drying of the soil.
The cucumber likes to grow on the bed rich with organic chemistry. In such place of plant perfectly feel and the productivity will be excellent.